Flowers )( Nico Di Angelo x M!Reader

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Nico Di Angelo wasn't expecting to find flowers growing wildly around his cabin.

I stare in confusion, the dark cabin in front of me was adorned in colourful flowers, more than I can name. Vines wrap with beautiful flowers wrap around the obsidian columns, the stairs a mess of fallen flower petals. I walk gently up the stairs, not wanting to wither the flowers around me.

Before I can even open the door, Hazel swings the door open. I jump, not expecting the girl to be here already.

"Nico!" She beams, dragging me into a hug. One I reciprocated thankfully. And it was my first time in months at my cabin. Last time I was here it wasn't covered in flowers, but I already had an idea who the culprit was.

Hazel released me. "Sooo... do you know why there's flowers everywhere's?" She pulls me further into the cabin. Leading me to one of the beds.

"Um, maybe." I mutter, looking around the cabin. Pots scattered around the cabin, holding various plants. My bed was undone, certainly not how I left it.

"Is the mysterious Nico Di Angelo secretly a Gardner?" She chides, lying on her bed quite dramatically.

"No." I say, reaching to touch one of the plants. My hand falters as I notice a notepad beside the pot. I pick the pad up, familiar cursive welcomes me. The first page was a mess of observational notes.

One note stuck out,

- Snake plant (Dracaena Trifasciata) blessed, shouldn't die.

What was he trying to do while I was gone?

I flip through the rest of the pad, notes about various plants, and even notes to me. Notes I'm not sure I was supposed to see, they were heartfelt and true.

I heard Hazel approach me, her hand meeting my shoulder.

"Whatcha got there-" She stopped. "That's not your writing."

"Yeah..." I say. "Um, I've got to go talk to someone."

Stuffing the pad in my pocket I turn towards Hazel.

"I'm coming with you." She says sternly. I don't fight her on it as we walk towards the door.

"Ok, why?" I ask.

"If my brother has a friend, then I want to meet them." She shrugs, smiling at me.  

We walk out of the cabin together, walking down the petal covered stairs. We turn towards cabin four, I knew exactly who to look for.

"Soooo..." Hazel drawls. "Tell me about this friend?"

I didn't know where to start, my eyes fall on the hobbit like cabin. Already I see the hunched figure of Y/n, gardening.

"I met him my first time at camp." I start. "Other than Percy he was the first camper to have welcomed me... uh, he's nice, he likes plants and studying them even if he knows everything about them. He's my age, and yeah he's pretty cool I guess."

"Well if you say he's pretty cool he must be great." Hazel teases. My habit to downplay everything coming to bite me.

As if on cue, Y/n turns around. His hair was longer now, it sat comfortably at h/l, the h/c hair practically glowing in the sun. His skin was covered in dirt and grime already, scars littered every wheres, old and new. Excited e/c eyes meet mine.

"Nico!" He jumps up, nearly knocking the bag of dirt next to him.

He runs toward me and Hazel, he seems ready to lunge into a hug but instead he falters.

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