I love you )( Jason Grace x F!Reader

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Love confused me, ironic as a daughter of Aphrodite.

My mother once spoke of how she gifted me a different type of love, I never truly understood what it meant. I was similar to my siblings, but each and every one of us loved differently. There isn't just one way to love someone. I still enjoy cute romantics but I as well enjoy silly romantics. In the end I'm just a daughter of love.

While I stare at Jason, all I could think about was love. I loved the son of Jupiter, no doubt about it. I loved it when he smiled, his oddly canine teeth showing, the scar on his lip more prominent, the way his eyes crinkled and shone, and the barely there dimples. I loved when he talked, he always knew what to say, a daring while refined tone, he spoke so smoothly and effortlessly. I loved his personality, everything about it was perfect. He was respectful but not afraid to speak up, he had a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, he always knew what to do, he was brave while cautious. He lived kindly and gently.

Jason loved me like I was the greatest thing on earth, and to him I was.

I couldn't help but stare.

"Y/n?" Jason says, breaking me from my daze.

"Hm?" I hum, meeting his gaze.

"You're staring." He smiles. His tone teasing.

"Oh hush." I scowl, turning away from him. Even though I dismissed him he didn't look away, nor did he stop smiling.

All he did was hum, an arm reaching to wrap around my waist, pulling me into his embrace. He kissed my temple, my forehead, my left cheek, my right cheek, my nose, each corner of my mouth, and finally my lips. My eyes flutter and I sigh into him. The kiss was soft and tender, while strong and passionate. His hand felt to cup my face, the other staying on the table, holding the pencil I insisted I buy when we went into New York. He instead bought it.

He pulled away, electric eyes stare into mine. We stay like that a moment, nothing to be heard but our breathing.

"I love you." Jason says, full of sincerity. He was so sure of his words.

"You don't have to say it back." He smiles, hand falling from my face to my neck. It rest so his fingers were near my pulse, his thumb rub up and down along my neck.

"I know everything of love," I sigh, a content smiling sigh. "I also know I love you Jason Grace." 

Yall... I'm just gonna be out right honest about my life real quick 😀 (nothing sad trust)



also lowkey I be saying random bs about my life that ain't even true just because 😔

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