"JASON."(Jason Grace x F!reader)

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Jason and I were sitting at the top of the hill, Thalias tree. I was with Annabeth, Thalia and Luke, even though Jason wasn't, I like for see him to her tree. Sure she's alive and yadda yadda, but it makes me think about how connected me and Jason were from the start.

"Y/n?" Jason asked, head tilted slightly. "Do you hear the horn?"

"Oh." I said, "No."

After the battle with the earth my hearing had lessened. Hearing distant noises became harder and harder.

He smiled at me, his scar on his lip becoming a little more prominent. Suddenly he stood and offers me a hand. He helped me stand up, him being strong and all it wasn't that hard. My hand still in his, he brings my knuckles to his lips, his other hand finding its place of my waste.

He mumbles something against my hand.

"What?" I looked at him quizzically.

"Please don't hate me." He said, louder this time.

"Um, why— JASON." I yelled as I felt our feet lift off the ground.

He said nothing but smiling sheepishly.

"It'll be fine," he soothed. "And quick."

He's right, it wouldn't be that long till we were in the ground again. But flying was NOT my thing.

"JASON I WILL LITERALLY MURDER YOU." I threatened. Twisting to look at his face, his arm around my waist and mine around his shoulder.

"Y/n, honey, the more you make this difficult the longer it takes." He says, planting a kiss onto my temple. 

Its didn't take to much longer as we landed in front of the pavilion, I saw my dear old friend—and brother technically— Will. Jumping at Will and grabbing him like a mad man.

"Hi Will, " I mumbled breathlessly, "oh my gods you're so solid. Thank you for that."

"Um... you're welcome?" He said, shooting a confused glance at Jason.

Unlatching from Will I walked back to Jason,

"If you do that again Jason Grace, I swear to all the gods, I'll send you to Hades the hard— mph!"
I was interrupted by Jason kissing me. 

"Hey! What was that for?" I exclaim glaring at him slightly. Instead of answering he smiled, shrugged, then he walked away. What a prick.
Contradicting my angry thoughts I felt my self smile, he was the most amazing boy.


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