First kiss )( Leo Valdez x M!Reader

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I couldn't sleep for the life of me, it's the third time I've woken up and it's legit been two hours since I went to bed. I tossed and turned in the rickety mattress.

I often lay in Leo's make shift bed. A random mattress on a bed frame , I'm pretty sure he built, in some secluded area of the bunker. I wasn't sure anyone knew of it but him and I.

It was certainly better than the crowded Aphrodite cabin.

After our second prophecy, prophecy of the eight, was announced he had gotten to work on completing Argo II. It was his first great prophecy, my second.

I stir in the bed, it's cold as shit outside and inside. The alarm clock reads 3:28 am, usually Leo was in the bed and producing enough warmth for the both of us. Which after saying that it sounds way less platonic than I make it seem. But so has everything lately, so oh welp!

Denial is going great.

After waiting what I deemed long enough for Leo to get to bed, I decided to buy him.

"Leooo." I groan. "Come be warm pleaseee."

I must have startled Leo. He cursed and dropped
A wrench or something.

"Holy fuck Y/n!" Leo yelps. "Can't you, like, not be a mouse, Christ."

"Mememe." I mock in an annoying tone. Although all scratchy by sleep.

"You're so bitchy past 1 am, you know that?" Leo mutters, cleaning up his mess.

"You're just bitchy all the time." I defend, rubbing sleep from my eyes.

"What ever you say." He muses. A simple smile graces me. I look away, butterflies going wild, that stupid tone of his stupid voice.

He got up from his desk, switching his lamp off, then coming towards the bed. The only light from farther in the bunker. Leo's figure barely seeable.

"Yesss." I hiss, laying back down. Leo not too far after.

"Give me the blanket you hog." Leo grabbed the blanket before I could protest.

"You're quite literally a breathing space heater." I whine, trying to pull it back. Failing.

Leo didn't reply, draping the blanket over both of us.

"You're seriously going to sleep next to me in grimey ass clothes?" I groan, turning back to him.

"Shut the fuck up." He breaths, making way to intense eye contact. I could feel the heat climbing my neck. My skin flushing red.

"Mm," I hum. "No thanks."

Leo did nothing but scan my face. And truly if I wasn't going full internal gay panic before, I sure was now.

We sit in silence, closer than usual.

I could tell Leo knew I was nervous, he did nothing but stare and smile. I tried to shrink in on my self, looking away.

That only seems to egg Leo on. "You nervous?"

"Shut up." I groan. A failing attempt at saving my dignity.

"Mhm." Leo hummed. "Why do I make you nervous?"

"I'm going to murder you." I push up from my spot. Sitting while I stare down at Leo.

Leo's eyes always had a glow, a warm comforting one. Like a fire.

"You're avoiding my question." He said, a teasing edge to his voice.

"Shut up." I defend. Shut up seemed to be my only defence recently.

Leo sat up too, practically caging me. Even though I could move away, I didn't want to.

My eyes wander. Scanning Leo up and down. I'd don't understand how he could seem so collected in this situation.

It was like both of knew where this leading, and I'm pretty sure we both did. Although I wasn't to fond of acting on it.

Leo lent towards me, his hands wandering closer to me. With out thought, I lent towards Leo. His warmth drew me in.

With only a hair in between us he stops, holding that stupid intense eye contact.

"Are you sure?" Leo breaths, his warm breath fanned across my face.

I swallowed thickly, nodding my head.

"Word's, please." Leo pleads.

"Pl- please." I stutter dumbly. My face flushing deeper.

That's all it took for Leo. His lips smashed onto mine, while warm hands met my sides, pulling me closer.

I froze before I slowly melted into his embrace. I inhale, his woody and Tabasco-y sent invade my senses. A scent I know to well, and hope to forever know.

Leo's lips work hungrily against mine, I kiss back with as much passion. This late night make-out session long over due.

Kissing Leo was something I could get used to.

I wrote this to stop my self from crying over high school 😀

But I'm doing summer school... not because I'm failing.


Also I 'graduate' this week. I was one of five students nominated to do a speech, and hopefully not the one who does the final speech...

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