Fainting. )( Leo Valdez x F!Reader

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(In which; Y/n isn't really able to handle her powers)

"Do any of you know how we ended up in this... field?" Jason asked, looking around. One moment we were peacefully out of for lunch, the next moment we wake up in a mysterious field.

Before anyone can answer we hear our least favourite voice.

Demigods. She said. I've brought you here to make a decision.

"Um lady," Leo says. "Hate to burst your bubble but I don't think any of us want to make any decisions for you."

I was afraid that would be your answer. She said in distaste.

"Then why'd you ask?" Piper speaks up.

"Yeah that was dumb." I add.

Brats. Her voice laced with venom. Then I shall offer you to my children.

"Oh great." Leo says nervously. "I love being used as an offering."

All around us lumps of dirt rose from the ground, the formed disgusting ogre creatures. They were messy and muddy, constantly dripping while grass stuck out at random places. Over all nasty looking things. I mean if that's what my baby's looked like I'd use them as weapons.

Jason summons his sword, Piper her knife, Leo pulled a giant sledge hammer out of his tool belt, the shadows around me formed my sword. We began back to back, the four of us in a circle.

  . . .

Our group slowly got inclosed, surrounded by ugly looking earthborn. Our weapons were killing them but the golden dust re-swirls into the cursed creatures. We were tired, running out of will to fight. The creatures never stayed dead, I could feel them relive every time.

I struggled against an earthborn, its muddy grip met my sword, trying to engulf the Stygian iron. I pushed forward with all my might cutting its hand open, pushing into its arm. I didn't notice the mud wrapping around my torso.

"Hey y/n, now would be great time for a bunch of undead soldiers." Piper quips, dodging a clump of mud.

"Give me a moment please-" I yelp, being lifted by a slimy arm. Jason saw, a sharp gust of wind separating its hand from its arm.

I fall flat on my butt, my hands finally touching the ground. I readjust, stabbing my sword into the ground beside me, I sit in a lunge position, the palms of my hand meeting the earth.

I can feel all the fallen body's, the skeletons. I can feel as far as the underworld. A tugging in my stomach welcomes me, ground rumbling beneath my fingers, green grass browning below me. Ogre's around us fall, being dragged to the under world. My eye brows knit and my eyes close, my breathing uneven. I keep like that, undead body's raising and dragging the earth spawns into Tartarus. I feel them dying and reforming on their way down, I can feel their continues anguish. I feel Gaias protest trying to reach my mind, trying to defy the deaths of her ugly children.

As I begin to feel my breath thin and my body lighten, a hand grips my shoulder.

I lift my head, meeting Jason's electric eyes.

"It's ok," He smiles. "You can let up."

I let out a breath, smiling back. He walked to my front offering a hand up, I took it gratefully. He hauled me up, Leo right there to greet me. Once standing I stumbled slightly. Exhaust clouded my mind, the fog trying to lull me to sleep.

"Whoa, you good there sunshine?" Leo asks, offering his hands for balance.

I swat his hands. "I'm fine, I'm fine." I reassure.

"Ok... Are you sure?" I meet his gaze, it was full of worry. "That was a lot of underworld stuff at once."

"I'm sure," I sigh. "I'll be ok, trust dude."

"Ok." He scans me, seeming to sense my tiredness. Leo doesn't budge from my side though, for that I'm glad.

"I think there's a street up there." Piper points ahead. "From there we can find where we are and contact camp. It's sunny enough for Iris messaging."

We all nod along, sounds like a solid plan.

It only takes a few steps before I'm stumbling again.

"For fucks sake." I groan, stopping to try and balance. The lightness returning to my head. Black splotches meet my vision, my eyelids heavy.

"Oh yeah I'm going to pass out—" I get cut off as I fall forward, loosing consciousness. The last thing  feel Leo's warm arms catching me.

Erm what the flip was that ngl 😔

big three kids just like fainting guys


Why do I keep writing Y/n fainting and Leo catching it bro 😭

(It's to ally my favourite trope or plot or idfk 🤭

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