Infirmary, again. )( Will Solace X M!Reader

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"Ow! Shit." I hissed under my breath. I was sparring with Jason when he got a good hit at my arm.

"Oh my gods Y/n! Are you ok?" Jason gasps. Dropping his sword to walk over to me. He grabbed my arm and twisted it slightly to get a better look at the gash on my shoulder. Being in an awkward place i couldn't really see much, but i saw the tear in my sleeve and the obvious blood soaking into the shirt. The once sunset orange was now blood read— literally blood red.

"I'm fine." I said, trying to suppress another hiss. Jason noticed and looked at me over his glasses.  Which come to think of it, how did he do that exactly? I'm atleast four inches shorter— 

"Y/n you're going to the infirmary," Jason said sternly. "If I hear that you didn't-"

"Ok, ok," I sigh. Lifting my hands in surrender, only to realize how dumb that was.

"Ow." I mutter. Wincing— not very slightly.

"Now go." Jason pointed his arm at the big house.

"Ugh." I dramatically groan. Walking toward the big house direction.

"Put your hand over the wound, press on it!" Jason yells behind me. So I do just that. Wincing slightly. I start to pray to who ever was listening that Will wasn't on medic duty today, hoping his sister Hannah was. Though again she'd make sure Will helped me. I have the fattest most humiliating crush on the son of Apollo— which I'll never say to his face. As a son of Ares I did not need to romance him. Hannah seems to disagree and thinks I should go for it, what does she know she's like fifteen.

Walking though the door way of the big house, looking around it didn't seem to busy. I turned down the hall towards the infirmary, praying Hannah was in the desk chair—

"Oh hey Y/n." Will greets, smiling. That stupid amazing nice looking smile.

"Heyyy... Will," I gulp looking around the room. "I, um hurt my shoulder." Lifting my bloodied hand to show him.

"Hey careful! Don't take the pressure off. Jeez how did you manage that?" Will bombards me as he quickly gets out of the desk. 

"Wasn't paying attention when sparring." I shrug. "Ow."

"Ok go to that bed over there." He pointed to the right. There's like, five different beds. He ran off to grab— what ever doctors use, I don't really know.

Carrying everything in a jumble in his hands, he plops it all onto the side table. A quite loud clatter.

"I'm going to have to clean it up, but before, I hope you're ok with me cutting off our sleeve." Will said, making eye contact. All I did was nod, feeling my face heat up. I looked away from his sky blue eyes, a blessing most Apollo kids had.

I heard the sharp sounds of scissors cutting fabric. Not daring to look for a multitude of reasons. (William fucking Solace was bandaging me. That's the reason). And it was pretty bloody and cakey, over all gross.

"I'm gonna take the sleeve off, it's going to hurt so if you need to grab the bed." Will informed, not looking up from what he was doing. Unfortunately he was right, it hurt. You'd think getting lightly stabbed would hurt—which it does—but holy Hephaestus. I felt the peeling subside. Not daring to look, because yuck.

(Speaking from experience it HURTS to take off bloodied and sticky fabric/ bandages 😭)

"Ok that's probably the worst part," Will smiled. Looking at me in the eyes again. I felt my face heat up and my stomach turn, in a fluttery way. Like Will could solve all my problems and—

"Y/n?" Will said concerned. "Your red, are ok? Does your head feel ok?"

Oh my gods.

"Yeah I'm ok," I lie. "Just that hurt a little."

Will hummed. He plucked a piece of ambrosia off the table, breaking off a piece and offering it to me.

It tasted like camp half-blood s'mores. The best s'more in existence, probably.

"The ambrosia should do most of the work." Will smiled. I absolutely hated how he smiled so often. It always made my face heat up.

He set his hand to rest near mine. (Quite the odd detail to point out. 🤨)

I felt the ambrosia working through me, my shoulder feeling warm and not so hurty.

Will looked at me expectedly. His sky blue eyes, with flecks of gold around his pupils. The sunlight giving him a slight glow, his freckles standing out, I wanted to touch his fluffy curly blond hair. Will looked so perfect in his element.

Will cleared his throat, turning away. "I'll wrap it in some bandage and you should be good to go. Be easy with it."

I looked away, I couldn't make much more eye contact until I exploded. Frankly I don't think Will woukd enjoy that. I felt the pressure of the bandage wrapping around my shoulder, I also felt his slightly calloused hands, they were always warm like the sun. Will radiated heat and comfort, something I wouldn't dare to tell the son of Apollo.

Feeling the pressure ease up and the loss of his hands I looked back at him. Only to find him looking at me already, analyzing my face. I felt my face heat up.

"Do I have something in my face... Or?" I mutter turning away from his gaze.

"No, I just think you're cute when you blush." He laughed.

Whipping my head back to look at him, mouth agape slightly and face probably more red.

"Um- I um... what." I stutter. Oh gods, Will called me cute and I'm a stuttering mess. Not very macho, son of ares of me.

All he did was laugh more. What a prick. I stood up and grabbed his forearm.

"You cant laugh at me!" I frown. "This is a very serious thing you know!"

"Mhm. Sure." He mocked seriousness, instead Leaning over the peck my cheek. Causing my face to heat up.

"I have to switch shifts now." He says simply. Turning away from me—who was stunned and unable to move from where I was standing.

Will walked towards the door taking off his infirmary pass and setting it in the desk.

Once he was out of the infirmary everything hit me. This boy.

I ran towards the door.

"Hey Will! Wait up we are talking about this!" I yell to his back.


Should I do part two?

So far spring break has been full of laying in bed tbh. (It's also still -20 C where I'm at so 🤷‍♀️)

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