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Renee's POV

I was currently sitting in some fancy ass restaurant that I've never even heard of. Towa, my girlfriend brought me here as a surprise but I would be happy to just go to our favorite spot, Northern Cafe.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you, uhm.." Towa starts, I turn my attention away from the food in front of me to look at her. I raise my eyebrows gesturing her to continue. She clears her throat. "Well uhm, my mom really wants to see me and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to meet my family?"

I smile brightly at her. "Of course baby! I'd love to." She grins at me and begins to talk again. "Oh when we go over there my sister might not be home." I give her a questioning look.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Well she has 2 jobs because she's trying to move out and has band practice with her stupid friends."

My mouth forms an 'O' shape as I don't think anything of the comment, the rest of the date going smoothly.

Y/n's POV

"Alright, do you guys want the check now?" I asked the table I was serving.

It was my last table of the night before my shift ended and I could go over to Theo's house for band practice.

The couple at the table nodded as I went and grabbed their check, handing it to them shortly after.


I arrived at Theo's garage to see them all messing around. "Took you long enough!" Miguel yells out from the bean bag he's sitting on.

I laugh and pick up one of the extra guitars Theo has messing with it. I play an AWESOME guitar riff. "Y/n just stick to singing we all know you can't play guitar." Theo says. I huff and put the guitar down.

"So we still recording the video to promote the band or what?" I finally state. They all nod as we get into place. We use Ivy's phone and I press record.

"We're Actively Living and this is our song Addiction!"  I say. Theo bangs his drum sticks against each other as the intro starts.

"You're like a drug, I can't resist
Addicted to your love, I must admit
Every moment with you feels so right
You're the fire that keeps me up at night"

We play the entire song and I end the recording.  Ivy grabs her phone and posts the video. "Hey let's get ice cream to celebrate!" Ivy beamed. I let out a small laugh. "Celebrate what? Posting a video?"

Ivy sighed and rolled her eyes. "I just want ice cream, can we go please!" She pleaded. We all smiled and nodded hoping in our separate cars driving to the ice cream shop.

When we got there we went up to order.

"Two scoops of rocky road please!" Ivy ordered.

"Hi, can I get a strawberry milkshake?" Theo asked politely.

"One banana split please!" Miguel chimed.

"Uhm, can I get one scoop of birthday cake?" I questioned.

The lady nodded at us handing us our orders as I paid. We sat down in a booth and got to talking.

"How many gigs do we have this week Mr. Manager." Miguel joked, gesturing to Theo. He laughed and showed us his phone.

We had 3 gigs, one was at a small club, another was at some random cheap wedding, and the last one was to be an opening act for an outdoor music festival.

"Nice selection this week if I do say so myself." Theo bragged, taking a sip of his milkshake. I took a bite of my ice cream and Miguel turned to me.

"Why do you like that crap? It tastes like shit!" He asked pointing to my ice cream. I scoffed, "Birthday cake is Superior, Mr. Banana split." We both laughed.

"So Y/n why don't you get your sister to promote our band on her instagram?" Theo said smiling at me. The group agreed and continued to bug me about it. "Yeah we could get like 10 times more famous if she posted us!" Ivy agreed, I rolled my eyes.

"Guys! I told you a million times, I already asked and Towa won't do it." I stated finally they sighed as we walked to the parking lot.

Ivy showed us her phone. "Guys! My celebrity crush just posted on instagram! Look how hot she is."

Theo and Miguel rolled there eyes and walked to the car as I looked at the photo

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Theo and Miguel rolled there eyes and walked to the car as I looked at the photo.

Ivy wasn't wrong, Reneé Rapp was very hot.

Authors Note!

First chapter I hope Yall liked it!!

Vote comment and share bc I love attention 🤪


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