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Renee's POV

Y/n comes down, fully dressed now. In a brown jacket over a sweater, with some jeans and converse.

(Imagine this)

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(Imagine this)

She's brushing her teeth still which is weird but you know whatever floats your boat. "Y/n don't be gross! We have a guest over! Go finish brushing your teeth upstairs!" Her mom yells, gesturing her to go back upstairs.

Y/n laughs through a mouthful of toothpaste, walking up the stairs, coming back down shortly after.

"Do you have a shift at the pool today?" Towa asks Y/n, she shakes her head. "Nah, that's tomorrow." Towa nods her head as Y/n continues to make some toast.

"Maybe we'll stop by, it's supposed to be hot tomorrow." Towa exclaims. Y/n takes a bite of her toast before laughing. "Like me?" Towa rolls her eyes.

She's not wrong though because god is she hot.

I watch Y/n intently. Like how her hair falls so effortlessly and has the perfect amount of volume. Or how her style suits her personality and face shape well. Definitely something I'm into.

I'm intrigued by her ability to not be bothered by the world around her. It seems like she's content with with everything, she's so indifferent.

"Towa, help me clean up breakfast!" Her mom shouts, Towa nods and helps their mom. "Wait you guys had breakfast already?" Y/n asks glancing over at the clock. Towa laughs. "Yeah, you would have had some if you didn't wake up so late!" Y/n rolls her eyes and continues to eat her toast.

Having nothing to do, I walk over to Y/n and try to make small talk. "So...the weather has been really good recently." I state, swaying back and forth nervously.

"You're really bad at small talk." She points out blankly. I blush in embarrassment as she laughs. "You know my friend has like a huge crush on you, she stalks all your socials on a daily basis."

"Is that so?" I say, laughing a bit.

"Yeah, she's gonna freak when I tell her this." I look at her confused as she gives me a 'you know what I'm talking about' look. I still look at her confused. "You're dating my sister, she's gonna freak when I tell her you're dating my sister." She explains. "Ohhh that makes sense." Y/n laughs at my stupidity as I smile at her.

"So what do you do for work, I heard Towa mention you work at the pool." I asked, I already knew the answer but I don't know, I just want to keep the conversation going.

"I work as a lifeguard and a waitress" I nod my head. "What about your band? I overheard you and your mom talking about it."

"Aren't you nosy." Y/n jokes, I blush again embarrassingly. "I'm just kidding, we get about 3-4 gigs a week, and we've been bugging Towa to give us a shout out or something to promote the band but she keeps saying no."

"Well I mean if you don't mind I could give you a shout out." Y/n's eyes widen in shock as her face breaks into a huge smile. "Oh my god yeah! That'd be great!"

"When should I stop by? I'd love to hear some music as well."

"Uhm I have no clue what our schedule is like so," She pauses for a moment. "Here let me see your phone."

I give Y/n my phone as she puts her contact in. She hands it back to me as I look down to see her contact name.

Towa's hot sister

I laughed at what she put. Even though she's not wrong, I changed it so there was no suspicion being raised.

"Cool now we can keep in touch." Y/n says proudly, as if it's some great accomplishment. "Cool." I repeat, super duper cool. I'm

Authors Note!

Author shorty sorryyyy I hope these will get longer idk tho I was bored so I posted again lol😅

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