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Y/ns POV

I woke up early that next morning, going downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I was surprised to see Towa already down there, her hair was messy and she was drinking coffee.

"Why are you up so early? You usually sleep in." I asked, putting some bread in the toaster. She shrugged, taking another sip from her coffee. "Can I ask you something?" Towa said, meeting my eyes.

"Yeah sure anything." I stated, she nodded, her eyes trailing down to the floor. "Do you like Reneé?"

My eyes widened for only a split second before returning to normal, be cool Y/n. "What? No!" I stated. Towa hummed.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem if I asked you to stay away from her?" I swear I could hear my heart break but let's hope my voice doesn't.

Trying to keep composure I nodded. "Mhm, not a problem." Towa smiled at me.

"You're the best Y/n!" She said cheerfully, leaving the kitchen. I didn't know what to do now. Do I call things off with Reneé and ruin any chances I have with her? Of course not.

Who cares what Towa says, she can't see what's behind closed doors, who gives a shit, right? It's not like she'll find out or anything so...I mean...yeah fuck it, I'm still gonna secretly "date" Reneé.


Everyone was awake now, as my mom made breakfast while Towa and Reneé talked. I was upstairs getting ready to leave, I needed to just get the fuck out of the house. I put on something casual and texted Ivy if she wanted to hang out.

(Ur outfit)

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(Ur outfit)

Y/n: Hey! Wanna hang out?

Ivy: sure wanna go to the pier?

Y/n: kk I'll meet u there!

I said goodbye to my mom and Towa, glancing at Reneé, who only looked at me expectingly, I didn't say anything to her, exiting the house.

Renee's POV

Y/n left the house without saying bye to me. She said bye to every EXCEPT me. And she always said bye to me! So what now? Should we talk? She's just gonna rearrange my insides and then forget about it!?

If we run into each other on the street should I keep walking??? I saw Towa give Y/n a satisfied smirk before she left, Y/n only looking hurt, yet calm at the same time. It was that 'It is what it is' look.

Y/n's POV

"So yeah, that's basically all that happened." I stated blankly, Ivy looked at me in shock. "Hold on, let me get this straight, so you caught feelings for Reneé, kissed her in the hospital when you were like half dead, because you were drunk driving and got in accident, and then you guys kissed again then fucked??" I nodded as her eye widened. "What the fuck y/n!"

"I know it might look bad but-"

"Look bad? Bitch it is bad! What are you gonna do if Towa finds out?" She asked. I haven't actually thought of that part yet. "She's not gonna find out, chill."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Yet she asked you to stay away from Reneé this morning, if she didn't suspect anything she wouldn't say that."

I gave a dazed nod. She had a point. "Look, I don't know what I'm gonna do just yet but I'll have it figured out eventually." I stated.

"I need ice cream." Ivy laughed, rubbing her forehead. I agreed, and we walked to the nearest ice cream parlor. We sat down in a booth and I asked Ivy what I missed in her life.

"Well," she began. "I'm talking to this girl name Cameron, and she is SO pretty oh my gosh." Ivy pulled out her phone and showed me a picture. "Holy shit, she's hot asf!" I said.

I'm bored hit me up :)

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I'm bored hit me up :)

♥️352 💬63

@IvyLynn: girl ur so pretty
@CameronShallows: omg tyy

@RalphMcKorkny: do u send?
@CameronShallows: u r the reason why I'm gay

Ivy was practically bouncing with excitement. "See, she's gay too!!! Oh my goshhh!!!" I smiled brightly at her. "Have you like DMed her yet?" I asked, she shook her head no. "Dude! DM her!!" Ivy rolled her eyes. "What would I even say?"

I thought for a moment. "What about like hey but with 3 Ys and a smiley face." Ivy smiled and looked at her phone again. "You're a genius!"

I laughed. "I know!"

Ivy playfully shoved me as we continued to talk about her new crush, but one person in particular was always in my mind, no matter how hard I tried to push her away, she was always here in my thoughts.

My sister's girlfriend.

Authors Note!

Hey guys another filler but we gotta lead up to the drama yk :)

Vote comment and share pls this motivates me to write 😭🫶


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