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!Smut Warning!

Y/n's POV

With everything going on with Adam and the Wedding, Reneé and I have been stressed out. Since the tour is over, we both have less on our plates, still we both seem to be incredibly busy.

Reneé has interviews every other day, and I have to go to band rehearsals and try and figure out this new fame that Actively Living is getting. Sure it's great and all but a break every once in a while would be nice.

Sometimes we'd both be free on the weekends but we'd spend most of it sleeping or catching up on work. On one particular Saturday, neither of us had seemed to be doing anything. "Hey," I spoke softly, tracing random shapes on Renee's back.

She was lying on her stomach, scrolling through TikTok as I just relished in the feeling of her being next to me. She turned off her phone and looked at me with a small smile on her face. "Hey," She replied.

I sighed deeply and changed my position, now laying on my back. Reneé did the same. "What's on your mind?" Reneé suddenly asked. I turned to her with a confused expression on my face. "What do you mean?"

"I know you Y/n, you're thinking about something, and I wanna know what it is." I smiled at the blonde next to me. "I don't know, I guess everything?" I answered. She let out a soft laugh, one that could be played on repeat and I'd never get tired of it.

"It's been so stressful and busy these past few weeks." Reneé sighed. "We've barely been able to plan anything for the wedding." I nodded my head in agreement, then I got an idea.

I small smirk fell on my lips, as I looked at the oblivious blonde. "You know...I can help take some of that stress away from you, at least temporarily." I hinted playfully. She raised her eyebrows at me, an amused smirk played on her face. "Oh really? Do tell."

I laughed a bit and climbed on top of the older women. I gently started to kiss her neck, getting more harsh as I continued. I could feel Renee's breath hitch at my actions as I started to leave love bites and hickeys all over.

Deciding that she was marked enough I started to slowing make my way down to the hem of her shorts. I teased her a bit, rubbing my hands up and down her inner thighs. "Enough teasing." Reneé let out. I chuckled softly at her words. "Patience my love."

I started to pull down her shorts at a dangerously slow pace, before tossing them somewhere off to the side. Doing the same with her panties.

I spread her legs a little bit and inched my face closer to her center, taking a swipe with my tongue. I loud moan left Renee's mouth which took me by surprise. "Someone's missed this." I joked, she only rolled her eyes at me. "Shut up and keep going." She spoke quickly.

Doing as told, I started to suck on her clit as moans and whimpers left the blondes mouth. Deciding to kill two birds with one stone, I began easing one of my fingers into her entrance. "Oh my god..." Reneé panted out in between moans.

I added another finger, now pumping them in and out of her as my mouth worked on her clit. I could feel her walls start to close around my fingers as she let out a loud string of moans.

Her legs began to shake as I continued to go faster, making her release with a few moans of my name leaving her lips. I slowed down before crawling back up to her and kissing her softly as she messily tried to reciprocate.

"Are you relaxed now?" I asked with a laugh.


Authors Note!

Here's some smut before the time skip maybe like one more filler chapter of them planning the wedding then it's gonna be...well the wedding

Vote comment and share or I'll treat u like a bitch I'll fuck ya in the ass and I'll fuvk ya in the tits and if u can't handle that then I'll let u suck my dick and ur man is coming back so u better make it quick yeah yk who u r u piece of shit ur gfs always suck in on my dick like a slim Jim stick so next time you go down on her clit tell me how my dick taste tell me how my mother fuckin dick taste but she's so nice she's so nice she's so niceeeee


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