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Renee's POV

!Smut Warning!

"Y/n! Are you here?" Y/n's mom called from the living room. I was sitting down at the dining table eating a piece of toast while scrolling on TikTok.

"I'm coming!" Y/n yelled out, coming down the stairs in her pajamas. Her hair was messy, and she looked visibly tired. Y/n still looked breath taking somehow. I don't know how, she just does.

"What are you doing home?" She asked, greeting her mom with a hug and soft smile. "I'm only home for a little bit, I need to pack."

I looked up to see Y/n looking at her mom, very confused. I turned my attention back to my toast, I love toast. "Pack?" I heard Y/n's voice speak with traces of confusion.

"I'm going on a business trip, I told you last night when I got home." Her mom explained, Y/n scoffed. "Mom, you came home at 1 A.M and you told me when I was getting a class of water. Still half asleep might I add."

"Ok fine, whatever, I need to pack, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

I heard Y/n let out a very dramatic gasp. "Stupid? I never do anything stupid." She defended. Y/n's mom cleared her throat, and gesture towards me.

Ok what the fuck did I do?? "Mom! what the fuck is your problem?" Y/n practically yelled.

Yep she's a keeper.

"I'm just saying! Towa had a perfectly good relationship with her!" Her mom defended, definitely not a perfect relationship, or a good one for that matter. "Then you both did something stupid and ruined it!"

"I suggest you go pack now." Y/n spoke lowly. I could tell she didn't want to argue with her mom right now. I looked to see her mom nod and head upstairs. Y/n walked over to me and kissed my head softly. "I'm sorry about her." She mumbled.

"It's ok baby." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm gonna go shower now." She spoke in a low tone. She locked eyes at me as I smirked.

"Can I-"

"No, my mom's home." She cut me off before I could even finish. "I didn't even finish my sentence!" I retaliated. "You didn't have to." She laughed out softly. I watched as she made her way up the stairs, my eyes were glued to her ass.

I guess she could tell because she stopped to turn around and wink at me. God this woman, she's doing something to me.

A little while after I heard Y/n turn the shower on, her mom came down with two bags in hand. "Tell Y/n I said bye for me." She spoke, I nodded.

Before she left she turned around to face me. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier Reneé." I shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "I shouldn't be the one you're apologizing to." She frowned, but nodded knowingly. Leaving the house.

A few minutes later I heard the shower turn off and an idea popped into my head. I walked up stairs and into the bathroom where Y/n stood, wrapped in a towel.

"Reneé, is everything ok?" She asked innocently. I smirked and I could see the innocent look in her eyes turn into one I knew all too well. "Your mom just left." I informed her.

"Really?" She smirked, I nodded, entranced by the woman in front of me. Before either of us could say another word, Y/n dropped her towel, now exposing her naked body to me.

She smirked at me, my eyes widening. Slowly, she turned around, bending over to pick it up. My breath hitched, slightly, as Y/n hung the towel up.

I immediately made my way over to her trapping our lips in a passionate kiss. My hands entangled themselves in her damp hair, as her hands roamed the rest of my body.

I bit her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She moaned, immediately granting it as my tongue explored her mouth.

I pulled away, only to be met with dark eyes, full of lust and need. "Wipe the mirror." Y/n gave me a confused look, but picked up the towel that's she discarded, walking over to clean the mirror.

I stopped her before she could continue.

"With your tongue."

Her eyes widened but she nodded in submission. Discarding the towel once more as she began to lick the mirror clear of steam from her shower. I watched with a smirk.

"Now look at yourself while I fuck you." She let out a gasp as I grabbed her by the waist, grazing my hand over her heated center. I took a swipe through her folds causing her to throw her head back. I grabbed her jaw as her eyes shot open.

"I said look at yourself." I paused, rubbing slow, taunting circles around her clit. "Don't take your eyes away from that mirror, understand?"

"Y-yes." She let out softly.

"Yes who?"

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