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Y/n's POV

After exchanging numbers with Reneé I quickly text my band mates what happened.

Actively Living

Y/n: So yk how yall wanted me to get towa to fill a promo video...

Ivy<3: SHE SAID YES????

Y/n: she didn't but her gf did!!!

Theo 🤪: what's that gonna do?

Miguel: yeah who even is her gf??

Y/n: oh yk just Reneé Rapp no one special





I arrive at Theo's house for this "emergency band meeting" we don't talk about anything important however, just about how we're excited to finally get noticed.

"Dude we could get like mega famous! I'm talking sold out arenas, meet and greats and even-!" I cut Miguel off. "Dude! Chill, it's one video!"

"One video can go a long way Y/n." Theo pointed out, I nodded in agreement but still! "Reneé posting us on her socials is way better than Towa anyway, she's like 10 times more famous!" Ivy exclaimed excitedly.

I gave her a look even though she was right. "Towa is still my sister guys!" I laugh, they all scoff sarcastically, brushing me off. "Hey maybe you'll get with Reneé Y/n!" Theo suggests.

"Why do you say that?" I laugh, flopping onto the nearby bean bag. "Well why else would she agree to do this?" He replies.

I roll my eyes. "She's just being nice, probably wants to suck up to me since she's dating my sister, Ivy has a better chance than me anyway." I say gesturing to Ivy.

She holds her hands up defensively. "Hey! I just think she's hot, I don't know if I'd want to date her." We all nod in agreement.

"Well Y/n, if you do start dating Reneé then the band could get really famous!" Miguel chimes in. Before I could say anything to retaliate Theo begins to speak.

"Y/n is not going to use Reneé to get our band famous!" I nod, rolling my eyes at Miguel.

"Yeah what Theo said! I'm not gonna date someone to get famous, I'm only dating someone if I generally like them!" I pause for a moment. "Plus she's dating my sister," I trail off a bit.

This causes the group to smirk at me. "Don't let your sister get in the way of true love!" Ivy reminds me, swooning over the words 'true love', she's a hopeless romantic that one.

"Love is a strong word Ivy." I laugh a bit.

Ivy hums in agreement, "Just...think about it."

Renee's POV

I'm in the studio with Towa and Alex just messing around. I've been having a massive writers block recently and I have no clue what to write about it.

"Reneé, why don't you write about some recent feelings you've been having." Towa suggests, Alex agrees. "Yeah, make it emotional and raw." I roll my eyes at him. "All my songs are emotional and raw I want something different." I tell them.

"Well why don't you write about past feelings/experiences?" Alex ask, I look at him and smile as the words instantly come rushing to my mind.

You say that I'm your favorite
With your hand between my thighs
Tell me if you were gonna
That I would be the one you tried
So you inch a little closer
Say your boyfriend he wouldn't mind
You'd think that I'd be flattered
It's pathetic cause you're right

I show them both the lyrics I had written down as the advice me to sing it. I sing it to them as they clap their hands encouragingly. "I think I'm gonna speed up the chorus." I state, Alex nods, thinking for a moment. "Ok...what were you thinking?"

"How about this?" I show them the lyrics, Towa begins to talk. "Ohh! I like that! Sing it!!"

"In the PM all the pretty girls
They have a couple drinks all the pretty girls
So now they wanna kiss all the pretty girls
They got to have a taste of the pretty girl
In the am all the pretty girls
Act like it never happened in another world
Yeah it's a blessing and it's a curse
So keep on pretending pretty girl"

Towa and Alex clap their hands. "That's great Reneé!" Alex exclaims. We finish up the rest of the song.

"Do you wanna grab something to eat?" Towa asks as we walk out of the studio. I was starving so I happily agreed.

We got in the car and were currently deciding where to eat. "What about Golden Plate?" I suggest, I've never been there and I heard it was good. "Yeah sure, Y/n works there so she can get us a table." I nodded as Towa drove us there.

Once we got there Y/n seated us and brought us some waters before asking what we wanted to eat. "Uhm, we don't know yet." Towa replied, as Y/n smiled and nodded, walking off.

"So, the song you wrote in the studio, I'm guessing it was about hooking up with a straight girl?" Towa asked, I shook my head no.

"Well not exactly, it's about girls who want to fuck other girls but go back to their boyfriend in the morning." Towas mouth forms an 'O' shape as Y/n comes back.

"So have we decided what we want to eat?" She asks looking between us. "Yeah I'll have the steak." Towa said as Y/n nodded, jotting down the order in her notepad.

She turned to me, "and you?" Before I could even order Towa cut in. "Oh she'll have the Salad, she's going on tour soon so you know how it is."

I decided to just keep quiet, as I lowered my head, I went on tour in like 6 months but I guess she's making me start the diet early.

"Sorry Towa I asked what Reneé wanted not what you wanted her to have."

Y/n's POV

Reneé looks at me with a soft smile on her face as I shoot her a sympathetic smile. "Uhm, I'll have the pasta please." She says softly, just loud enough for me to hear her.

Towa gives Reneé a scolding look. "The salad will be better for you Reneé." She says through her teeth.

"Towa would you shut up! Jesus Christ let Reneé have what she wants!" I yell, Towa looks taken aback and yells right back at me. "She has to look her best!"

I'm basically fuming with anger at this point. "She already looks great! And if you can't see that maybe you shouldn't be with her." I state.

Towa shoots daggers at me with her eyes as she gets up dragging Reneé with her. Reneé shoots me an apologetic look before exiting the restaurant.

Authors note!

Guys I hate towa so much Reneé should be with me instead don't forget to vote pls 😭


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