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Y/n's POV

I watch as Reneé leaves the bathroom, leaving me there. I knew I was drunk, how drunk however, was a mystery.

I exited the bathroom sometime after Reneé. I looked for Ivy, or Theo, or Miguel, or anyone really but I couldn't find anyone.

Finally, I spotted Ivy, she was making out with her ex-boyfriend, of course. I then tried looking for Theo and Miguel.

Miguel was telling one of his terrible pick up lines to some girls and Theo was at the bar flirting with the guy next to him.

I decided to just have an Irish goodbye and leave. I didn't want to be there anymore, not after practically getting rejected by Reneé.

Well...not rejected exactly. I was, well still am drunk. Maybe she thought it was only happening because I was drunk.

But hey! You know what they say, drunk words sober thoughts. But I guess we didn't use words...Ugh I hate being gay.

I left the party, quickly texting the group chat that I had left. Was it a good idea for me to be driving?

No, not at all.

Was I going to drive?

Yes, yes I was.

I hopped into my car, and turned on the radio. Maddison's house was pretty far from ours, like a 30 minute drive. Come to think of it, I didn't see Maddison the entire party...weird.

I decided not to go home just yet, maybe a drive will clear my head. The highway was pretty empty right now which was surprising but I wasn't complaining.

I sped down the high, music blasting windows down. I could barely make out where I was or the words on the signs that I had passed.

As I was driving I couldn't stop thinking about Reneé and the moments we had shared. There was definitely some sexual tension. I'm not delusional right? Like everyone could see it!

Well I hope not everyone, that would be bad if Towa thought we liked each other. I didn't know what to do with myself.

I liked Reneé, obviously, but I couldn't. I can't like it her, it just won't work. Maybe if she wasn't dating my fucking sister things would be different, but she is.

I wonder if she ever feels the same way, thinks the same things. I would love to be able to read someone's mind like that, especially her mind.

Renee's POV

The party was beginning to die down. Towa and I were starting to head out as Towa said goodbye to a couple of people before exiting the house.

Towa was driving as she was pretty much sober and we fell into conversation. I wasn't focused on anything she was saying, I couldn't keep my mind off of Y/n and the situation in the bathroom.

The way she was able to sooth me so easily, the fact that she knew exactly what to do. It made me feel things a taken woman shouldn't feel.

I looked over at Towa, my girlfriend. Was this what I had wanted? Is this the life I've been dreaming of?

No. Not it wasn't, sure I'm successful, and I have money. I'm going on tour for goodness sake! I should be ecstatic, and I am! But my personal life is still, say the least.

I didn't know what it was about Y/n but we just click. Like a puzzle, every piece is perfectly in its place. I didn't feel like that with Towa. There was a puzzle sure, but it wasn't solved, and a few pieces were missing.

I wonder if she's thinking the same thing. If she's thinking maybe we do belong, because who cares if I'm dating her sister. I shouldn't say that. But, if it's love it's love right? Maybe not love but...Ugh I hate being gay.

Y/n's POV

Still driving around aimlessly I decided that it's time for me to just go home. My vision is getting blurry and I can't see for shit. I switch lanes to get off at the nearest exit, well at least I think I switch lanes.

In fact I didn't, I change directions entirely as my car goes haywire. I completely loose control spinning like crazy.

A hear a few horns being honked until I feel myself get flipped. It's like those big loops on a rollercoaster.

Except there's no track, and a lot of broken glass. I open my eyes slightly to check my surroundings, everything is upside down and then...


Authors Note!

lol her car got flipped sucks to suck

Don't forget to vote comment and share or I'm killing someone off (possibly u)

Ur mom

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