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Renee's POV

After the encounter with Y/n I still can't seem to fall asleep. It's early in the morning and also my last day here until me and Towa go back to our apartment.

I can still hear Y/n's music and having nothing better to do I decide to bug her. I open the door to see her throwing a random tennis ball at the wall, playing catch with herself. "I can still hear it." I state nonchalantly, trying not to laugh.

She turns around and smirks at me. "Then go to sleep, you won't hear it then." She says like it's obvious.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah well I can't go to sleep if that's blasting in my ear."

She laughs, a bit and turns it down. "Stop being so dramatic it wasn't that loud, but there I turned it down for you."

"Thank you!" I state, pretending to be annoyed. She bows, "ah yes anything for you, your majesty." I laugh.

"What are you even doing anyway?" I ask. She flops down onto her bed and throws the tennis ball into the air, catching it.

"I don't know, thinking?" I smirk at her and step into the room, closing the door behind me. "About what?"

"Things, people." She states, still not making eye contact with me. "People? You don't say. Let me guess, it's Addison."

She looks at me with disgust as she pretends to gag. "Oh god, definitely not her." I smile and let out a chuckle.

"Then who?"

Y/n hesitates, as if she's debating what to say. "I..." she sighs. "I don't know, just people."

I hum at her response. She turns to look at me. "What are you doing here anyway?" She asks.

A small blush plays on my face. "I couldn't sleep and you were up so..." Y/n nods and turns away again.

"We could go film the video today." She suggests. That's right! The video. Theo's been sick so we haven't been able to film it but I guess he's better now. "Yeah sure I don't have anything going."

"Yeah I know." She mumbles, just loud enough for me to hear. I laugh. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, slightly offended.

"Nothing, nothing." She laughs. I can see her pull out her phone and start typing away. She puts her phone down just to immediately pick it back up again, being flooded with a chorus of messages.

"They're all really excited, we'll stop by around noon okay?" She states. I nod just then, a half awake Towa enters the room.

"Reneé? What are you doing here?" She asks, rubbing her eyes. Before Y/n could think of anything to say I immediately made an excuse.

"I wanted to know when the best time would be for me to stop to promote Y/n's band!" I blurted. It was at least half true. "Ew, why are you promoting them? They suck." She stated.

Y/n glared at her, flipping her off. "Just a kind gesture Towa, no need to be mean." I state. She huffs and exits the room.

"Shouldn't you go follow your girlfriend?" Y/n stated. Shit she's right. "Oh uhm yeah."

I quickly exit the room in a rushed manor and I can hear the music resume. I laugh to myself and see Towa, sitting on the counter.

"Hey..." I trail off. She mumbles a small 'hi' as I kiss her gently on the lips. "Do you like Y/n?" She asks finally.

I look at her in shock. "W-what no! That'd be weird." I let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh well, I think she might like you." Towa replies. I try and play it off. "Well even if she does I'm only yours, ok?" I reassure.

Towa nods with a soft smile on her face. She kisses me gently before pulling away.

That was close.

Authors note!

Sorry for the short chapter lol it's gonna get better when more of the juicy stuff happens this is just filler

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