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Y/n's POV

Reneé had an interview today so I was alone in the house, bored out of my mind. I texted the band, asking if they wanted to hang out. They all responded excitedly, as we planned where we wanted to go.

Miguel suggested a theme park but it was too much money. Theo wanted to go to the beach but it was way to cold. Ivy wanted to go to the aquarium but we all said that was boring. I suggested that we go to the playground near the pool I work at but no one wanted to go. (They're all fake)

Still bored and having nothing to do we just decided to go to the diner down the street and grab some food. We all met there and immediately immersed into conversation.

"How's Reneé and Towa y/n?" Ivy asked turning to me. I wasn't really paying attention to the what they were talking about, I was texting Reneé, she just got out of the interview. "What?" I asked, looking up.

"How's Renne and Towa?" Ivy asked again. The group looked at me expectingly as my eyes widened. I gave Ivy an 'I know what you're doing' look. She only smirked and I sighed, might as well tell the truth. "They broke up." I shrugged.

My friend's eyes widened as they all asked a chorus of questions.

"How'd they break up?"

"Why, what happened??"

"How are they dealing with it?"

"Is Reneé still staying at your house?"

"Is she still gonna promote the band?"

"Guys! Chill out, it's none of my business." I lied. They leaned in closer, still very obviously wanting more. "But Towa did leave the house and Reneé is still staying here." I mumbled quietly.

They all sat back in their seats normally, satisfied with the answer they got. Ivy discreetly narrowed her eyes at me, knowing I wasn't telling them more than I knew. I gave her an "I'll tell you later" look and she, like the rest of the group, looked satisfied.

The rest of our little outing was fun. We talked about Ivy's new girlfriend and how Theo is trying to get a job at the water park on the outskirts of town. Miguel said that he's also taking pottery lessons.

A few hours later we said our goodbyes and I headed back home. Once I opened the door I was met with Reneé running towards me, embracing me in a tight hug. "R-Reneé, I can't breathe." I let out, gasping.

"Sorry," she blushed, "I just missed you." I gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I missed you too." She smiled at me as I took my jacket off, placing it off to the side.

"Do you wanna do something?" Reneé asked, I looked at her confused, titling my head to the side ever so slightly. "Like what?" She shrugged, thinking for a moment. "I don't know...we could, uhm." She paused, looking up at the ceiling. "Oh! We could go to a drive in movie!" She exclaimed excitedly.

I smiled brightly at her. "That sounds great! Let me get changed first." I replied, she looked me up as her eyebrows furrowed together. "Why? You already look hot." I blushed and flashed her a goofy grin. She smirked at me. "I'm still gonna get changed." I was finally able to let out. She shrugged and kissed me on the cheek as I made my way upstairs.

I came down a few moments later and noticed that Reneé had changed too. I didn't even hear her.

 I didn't even hear her

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(Ur outfit)

(Renee's outfit: I literally love this fit omg)

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(Renee's outfit: I literally love this fit omg)

"You look pretty." I smiled, Reneé blushed at my words. "Thanks, you look pretty too." My face turned a light red as we made our way to the car.

Once we arrived at the drive in, the movie was already playing. "Shit, we missed like half of it." I let out. Reneé smirked at me. "I wasn't going to be paying that much attention to the movie anyway." My eyes widened and I could feel my face heat up as she inched closer to me.

Our lips were inches apart and I could feel her breath fanning my lips. She looked me in the eyes, her pupils dilated and full of lust. She lightly grazed her lips onto mine, you could barely even count it as a kiss. I grabbed the sides of her face, pulling her closer.

Our lips molded together in unison as we kissed passionately. After a few moments she pulled away. Smirking menacingly at me. "Maybe we should've just stayed home," I let out, with a hint of playfulness. Reneé moved her hands so they were now on my lap, holding her up. She moved her head closer to my ear as she kissed the side of my face then whispered, "I want popcorn." I turned and looked at her confused, as she only smirked again. "What-?"

"I. Want. Popcorn." She spoke again. "Now be a good girl and go get me some." I slowly nodded nervously. "Yes ma'am." I let out, my eyes widened, realizing what I had just said. "N-not ma'am I- I didn't mean to call you t-that!" She raised her eyebrows, a small grin on her face. "I'll go get your popcorn." I stated exiting the car.

When I returned she was watching the movie, waiting for me. I handed it to her then saw a random flash come from the side of the car. "Did you see that?" I asked Reneé. She turned to look at me. "See what?" I handed her the popcorn. There it was again. "T-that! That white flash!" I spoke.

Renee's eyes widened in realization. "Fuck." I looked at her confused. "The paparazzi."

Authors Note!


Credits to baguette_lover184 for chapter idea :)


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