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Y/n's POV

After ice cream I had to rush to get home. Jesus Christ my mom was going to kill me. Even though I'm 22 I still have a curfew. But I'm not gonna protest, not trying to get kicked out. She's the type to say 'if you live under my house you live under my rules' you know that type of shit.

As I was speeding down the highway I hear sirens behind me. You've got to be kidding me. I pull over as a cop knocks on my window, gesturing for me to roll it down.

"Do you know how fast you were going ma'am?" The officer asked.

20 above speed limit.

"No sir."

"20 above the speed limit!" He informed me. I tried to act fake guilty which seemed to work so he only gave me a warning.

I get home that night at about 1 A.M, entering the house. I try to sneak in and head straight to my room until I'm stopped by a voice. "Do you know what time it is?" I turn around to see my mom standing there, arms crossed.

"It's 1 A.M! And what time are you supposed to be home by? 12 A.M! You're one hour late Y/n!"

I stayed silent, only fiddling with my fingers. "I'm very disappointed in you." I rolled my eyes at this. "Mom I'm 22 I don't need a curfew! I'm an adult!"

My mom scoffs, "Then start acting like it!"

"Goodnight mom!" I yell trudging up the stairs. I could hear her yell as I was walking up, "Y/n get back here!" I ignored her as she sighed.

I changed into some more comfortable clothes flopping into bed falling asleep instantly.


The next morning I come down stairs in only a sports bra and pajama pants, my mom is probably still sleeping, so who cares right?

I go over to fridge and pour myself a glass of orange juice, still not fully awake. I'm about to take a sip when I hear someone clear their throat obnoxiously.

I look up to see my mom standing there with Towa. "Y/n, Towa and her girlfriend are here!" I snort to myself. "I don't see her girlfriend, aww Towa are you imagining things." I joke.

Towa rolls her eyes and gestures to the girl to step out, I was expecting some copy and paste lesbian but its...

Reneé Rapp?!?!

Renee's POV

I look to see a girl widen her eyes in shock. She's beautiful, "T-that's, your uhm s-sister?" I ask a bit breathlessly, clearing my throat to cover it up.

"Yea, underwhelming, I know." She states, Y/n has her back turned, facing the fridge as she shouts, "I heard that!" Y/n starts laughing as Towa rolls her eyes, laughing as well.

Y/n looks nothing like Towa. If someone said they weren't siblings, I'd believe them! Then again there's some physical features that are the same, like there eyes.

Y/n's only in a sports bra and sweatpants, though I'm not complaining in the slightest. Y/n doesn't have abs or anything crazy, but she's definitely toned. Her hair is slightly messy but still falls so effortlessly perfect.

I get snapped out of my daze when Y/n walks over and holds out her hand for me to shake. I shake it and find it oddly formal for someone like her. "Nice to meet you darling." She says with a terrible British accent, kissing my hand gently.

I blush and laugh at the gesture. "Y/n go get dressed! Show some decency!"

Y/n laughs, "Yes mother!" She states bowing her head, only making her mom shake her head, and chuckle.

The woman turns to me. "Sorry about Y/n she's a joker that one!" I smile and nod politely at her. "Oh no it's fine! It's not a problem."

Not a problem at all...

Authors Note!

Sorry for the short chapters I'll try and make them longer 🤫🧏‍♀️

Vote comment and share pretty please 🥺


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