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Renee's POV

1 sheep

2 sheep

3 sheep

God this is pointless. I've been trying to fall asleep for the last hour or so but nothings working. I look over to see Towa sleeping soundly next to me.

For some reason I just cant sleep tonight. My thoughts are running wild in my head and I just need to- what was that?

I hear it again, soft footsteps and the occasional creak of the floorboards. "Fuck!" The mystery person loud whispers. Slowly, I creep out of bed making sure not to wake Towa up.

I peep my head out of the door to make sure no one is in the hallway and I make my way downstairs.

The kitchen light is on as I see Y/n standing by the stove, making something. "What are you doing?" I ask suspiciously, smirking at her.

She looks up at me startled. "Jesus Christ Reneé! You scared the shit out of me!" She practically yells.

"Shut up or you'll wake the others!" I respond, she lets out a soft laugh.

"I'm making a grilled cheese, do you want one?" She asks me. I glance over at the clock.

3:17 A.M

"Oh uhm, no thanks." I look at her for a second, her attention remains on the grilled cheese. "Why are you up?" She asks me, flipping the sandwich.

We stand there in awkward silence. "Why are you up?" I question. Y/n turns off the stove and takes a bite of the grilled cheese before responding.

"Same as you I guess, I couldn't sleep." She says between mouthfuls of food. I nod and hop up onto the counter. Y/n finishes her grilled cheese and comes around to look at me.

She leans against the doorframe. "'s your relationship with Towa going." I hesitate for a moment. "Uh, yeah uhm, it's fine." I cough out.

Y/n nods, letting out a small hum, "Speaking of relationships I actually have a date tomorrow with this girl I met at the ice cream shop."

My body fills with a sense of...jealousy? No it couldn't be, that's stupid. I have a girlfriend for crying out loud!

"" I say, Y/n's eyes stare into mine before a small smirk plays on lips.

"Well, I better get to sleep, wouldn't wanna be tired for tomorrow, she's really hot I wanna make a good impression." She says almost teasingly, it's like she wants a reaction out of me. I only nod.

Two can play at that game.


In the morning Y/n comes downstairs, hair wet, having just showered. Towa and I are watching TV in the living room as Y/n joins us.

"What are you guys watching?" Y/n asks, turning her attention to the TV. "I don't know some hallmark movie." Towa replies. Y/n let's out a small laugh.

I decide to play the waters. I start playing with Towa's hair, kissing her neck and lips. Trying to get a reaction out of Y/n. Yet her eyes are still on the TV.

Alright fine, I can be more noticeable. I get up from my spot on the couch, sitting in Towa's lap. I check to see if Y/n's looking but she's not.

Until, I see her eyes glance towards me playing with Towa's hair. Her jaw clenches as she averts her eyes back to the TV.

"This is boring I'm gonna go." Y/n states finally. I'm left satisfied, as I get a text from my phone, moving myself off of Towa.

Y/n: keep it in ur pants that was gross

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