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Renee's POV

"I object!"

Who the fuck was objecting at my wedding? I swear to god, if it's Y/n's mom.... I turned to look and see who it was, hoping it was just someone making a joke. But to my absolute horror it was so much worse.

Towa fucking Bird.

She was objecting?? At my wedding!? Are you fucking kidding me?!

Before I could yell at her Y/n beat me to it. "Towa what the fuck are you doing here?!" She yelled, Towa made her way over to her as I instantly got in between them, not letting her sister hit or even breathe near, my almost wife.

"Reneé was mine first Y/n! Until you come along and steal her from me!" She yells, trying to take another step forward as I push her back. "Back the fuck up Towa, I am not trying to cause a scene at my wedding."

Towa ignores me and pushes me off to the side, making me almost fall as she reaches Y/n. Standing only a few inches away from her face. "Do you really want me to beat your ass," Y/n paused for a moment and smirked.


Towa's face turned a bright red in embarrassment as she tried to pounce on her, with Y/n only dodging the sorry attempt at an attack. Towa fell on the priests stand as multiple guests gasped. "Beat her ass Y/n!!" Ivy yelled, I chuckled at that.

Towa went to get up but Theo and Miguel grabbed her arms, making her fight against the restraints. Y/n walked over to Ivy, who pulled out her purse and started, fixing Y/n's make up??

I walked over to them, stepping past a kicking and screaming Towa. "Uhm Y/n honey, I don't think this is the best time to be fixing your makeup." I told her sincerely. She only shrugged with a small grin on her face.

"Y/n seriously, you look great but I think we have bigger matters on our hands right now." I said, gesturing towards Towa. She sighed as Ivy put the makeup back in her purse. "Towa cut it out." Y/n spoke to Towa, rolling her eyes.

"You're the older sister here, you're supposed to be more mature, clearly you're not however." Danggggg Y/n was eating Towa alive. In this situation Y/n is Kendrick Lamar and Towa is Drake...yikes.

"Can you just grow the fuck up and leave?" I added, as Towa seemed to calm down, and just sit there. "Reneé...I- I love you!" She pleaded.

"Ew. Shut the fuck up."

Y/n laughed at my statement, it looked like she was about to speak but someone spoke first. "Let her go

Uh oh monster in law is trying to defend the ugly rat who's crashing my wedding, what the fuck. "What is this a family reunion? Stay out of it mom!" Y/n yelled.

"No! You guys used to be so close! Y/n be reasonable." Her mom reasoned, I rolled my eyes, she was one to talk.

"Reasonable? You know what I think is reasonable? Both of you leaving and getting the fuck out of my life, that's reasonable." Y/n yelled, fake laughing angrily at the end of her sentence.

"You don't mean that..." Monster in law drawled out.

"Yes. I. Do."

"Fine. Towa let's go. We're leaving." Miguel and Theo let go of Towa, both rushing to Ivy who already had hand sanitizer waiting for them. "I'm not leaving until Reneé takes me back." Towa said stubbornly.

I snorted. "Looks like you're never leaving."

Towa huffed. "You know what fine! Go to hell bitches." She said angrily storming off. I rolled my eyes as Y/n flipped her off and yelled, "I'll see you there cunt!"

I looked around and noticed that most of the people we invited were still here, watching the fight take place in silence. I awkwardly turned to them, then to the priest. "Uhm shall we continue?" I asked, the priest looked lost for words as Y/n went back to her spot and straighter out her dress (or suit). She acted as if nothing had happened.

"Uh-" The priest cleared his throat. "I pronounce you Wife and...uhm wife? You may now kiss the bride!"

Despite everything that happened the crowd still cheered loudly as Y/n grabbed my face, kissing me softly and passionately. "I love you." She mumbled against my lips. "I love you so much more."

Once we both pulled away, she leaned in close to my ear. "Not possible." She spoke, with a small giggle. I laughed as we spent the rest of the day partying with friends and enjoying our time together.

During the dinner portion of this a few people went up to say a few words. My mom went up and told everyone embarrassing stories from my childhood. Which y/n will probably never let me live down.

Theo went up and he started crying half way through his speech, making Y/n cry too.

Eventually the night came to an end and god I wish it didn't. I wanted to stay in that moment for the rest of my life. Spend every single second with the girl I loved.

However, I knew I would spend many more seconds with her, because she was my person. She was the one I wanted to be with forever. And I knew, that would happen.

When everyone left, it was just me and her. The simple string lights were still hung as I played music softly from my phone.

"Care for a dance M'lady?" I spoke, bowing and offering the latter my hand. "Oh of course!" She said dramatically grabbing it. I kissed her hand and slowly spun her around.

We were dancing, alone, at night, on a beach, probably looking ridiculous. But who cares?

"We did it." Y/n said softly, smiling up at me.

"We did it."

Authors Note!

God this was cute

Spam for epilogue

Vote comment and share bc I'm awesome tf???


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