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Y/n's POV

!Smut Warning!

"Bathroom. Now."

My eyes widened as I watched Reneé walk away, a smug look on her face. I excused myself from Scarlett, quickly following behind. As we entered the bathroom, she ushered me into a stall, closing and locking the door behind us. She looked at me sternly.

"Why was she touching you?" She asked, I looked at her slightly confused and shrugged. "I don't know...we're both pretty drunk." I replied simply.  She hummed, nodding. "Only I can touch you like that." She smirked. "You know that Y/n."

My breath hitched ever so slightly as she inched closer to me. "Oh yeah? Only you?" I asked teasingly.  I knew she was going to fuck me, might as well have some fun along the way. "Only me." She stated again.

"What makes you say that?" I hummed, going closer to her, whispering in her ear. "What if I want Scarlett to get close to me?" I could feel the anger bubbling inside Reneé. "Why is that?" She spat, clearly fuming.

"Because you're very hot when you're jealous Reneé." I spoke lowly, feeling shivers go down her slide. "Oh really? You like when I get protective over what's mine?" She asked, moving her hand to my neck, squeezing it softly. I let out a small moan from her actions as she smirked at me.

"You like that? Getting choked like a slut?" She asked firming her grip on my neck, I nodded, a small whimper leaving my lips. She let go of my neck grabbing my waist, kissing me softly.

I slipped my tongue into her mouth as we fought for dominance, she easily won. I moaned into her touch as she quickly took my shirt off, placing it off somewhere to the side.

She unclipped my bra, kissing my breasts, before moving down to my stomach. Swiftly, she took off my skirt, leaving me in just my panties now. I bucked my hips into her, trying to get some friction I so desperately craved.

Understanding my need she slowly dragged my panties off, rubbing my heated center slowly. "Reneé." I moaned, "please."

"Whose are you?" She asked, playing with my clit. I didn't speaking as moans continued to fill the bathroom. She inserted two fingers inside of me, going at a slow pace. "I'll ask you one more time." She said, going faster and faster.

"Whose are you."

She continued to pump her fingers in and out of me as I moaned. "Yours! Fuck I'm yours!" I practically screamed, feeling my high coming closer.

A few moments later I completely came undone onto her fingers, followed by a strings of moans and whimpers. Reneé helped me come down from my high as soft pants left my lips.

She gave me my clothes back as I tried to hastily put them on. "I'll be outside, don't take too long." She said, exiting the stall. I stood there, alone, shocked by the events of what just happened.

A few minutes later I saw Reneé chatting it up with Scarlett, I gave her a confused look but she only grinned at me. "Hey what are you guys talking about?" I asked, surprised they were even talking in the first place.

"About you, baby." Reneé replied with a grin. I looked at them both, trying to maintain a straight face. "Oh yeah?" I laughed out a bit. "What about me?"

Scarlett smiled, "I'm telling Reneé about all the embarrassing stories from when we were in school." She laughed.

Oh my fucking god.

High school wasn't an ideal experience for me. I was such a nerd, and not the smart nerd, the weird one that hangs out with the same people and doesn't do anything. I didn't know how to take care of my hair and had no clue what the fuck skin care was. But hey! At least I can say I didn't peak in high school.

"That's so great..." I finally gritted out. I fake smiled at Scarlett. "I'm actually pretty tired, Reneé we should go home."

"Actually I'd like to stay here." She smiled, trying not to laugh. I looked at her sternly.

"I wasn't asking."

Renee's eyes widened and she nodded knowingly, following me out of the bar.

Authors Note!

Walk 'em like a dog sis walk 'em like a dog 🤪🤪

Sorry for no post yesterday been pretty busy recently since I have rehearsals and shit


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