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Renee's POV

"I think I'm good now-" Y/n says before vomit rushes to her mouth again and she leans over the toilet, puking her guts out. I held her hair back, slowly rubbing her back.

"Reneé you're on in 5- oh..what's going on?" Adam spoke. Y/n's pale..almost green face looked up at him. "I don't think I can perform tonight.." she spoke weakly.

"Who else is gonna play guitar?" He asked worriedly, seriously Adam my girlfriend...scratch that FUTURE WIFE is practically dying, well not really but she's puking everywhere!

"Ivy can play.." Y/n replied, sounding exhausted. I slowly rubbed the girls back in soft circles, applying gentle pressure. "Are you gonna be ok here baby? I'm gonna go find someone to take care of you." I told the sick girl in front of me.

"No- no I'm fine, don't get someone,"

I nodded and pressed my lips to the top of her head. "Are you sure?" I mumbled against her head, she let out a soft yes as I slowly got up. "Ok, I have to go, I'll see you after the show?"

"Mhm, I love yo-" And there it is. More barf. I laughed softly and smiled at her. "I love you too."

When I got up on stage screaming and cheering immediately chorused among the large crowd. Adam had informed the rest of the band about the situation with Y/n as the crowd began to notice what was going on.

As the cheering quieted down I heard a fan near the front yell, "Where's Y/n?!" I laughed a bit to myself, noticing how quick they were to notice her absence. "She's alright guys! Just sick right now."

The crowd seemed happy with that answer as we started to play Talk To Much, Ivy was killing it on guitar, but I was still sad that I couldn't be on stage with Y/n.

We ended the set and don't get me wrong, I loved performing, but the only thing I wanted to do was get off that stage and go see my girlfriend.

She wasn't by the toilet anymore, and instead our dressing room. She was sound asleep curled up into a little ball on the couch. It looked comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

I looked around the room and found an oversized jacket. I quickly grabbed it and draped it over the sleeping girl beside me. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before turning around to leave, I still had to go meet people who had backstage passes.

"Reneé?" I heard a soft voice let out. I turned around and to see Y/n with her eyes opened ever so slightly. "Sorry baby, did I wake you up?" I answered, walking over to her. "No, no it's fine." Y/n reassured.

"Where are you going?" She asked, closing her eyes again, resting her head on my shoulder. "I need to go see the people have backstage passes."

She nodded, "come back here when it's done?" She asked me. I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Of course."

Authors Note!

Ok so just a little disclaimer a lot of chapters will be fluff fillers and then I'll throw some smut in here and there until I get to the BIG STUFF

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