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Y/n's POV

As the music blared in our ears, Scarlett and I continued to dance the night away. I kept a safe distance from her, not getting too close, but not too far away. "We haven't seen each other in forever dance with me!" Scarlett yelled over the music.

I laughed nervously. "I don't know...I'm pretty good over here!" I shouted, she rolled her eyes and scoffed playfully, pulling me closer by the wrist.

I danced uncomfortably for a moment before almost unnoticeably distancing myself again. Scarlett didn't seem to notice so I was in the clear. "I'm gonna get another drink!" I shouted, Scarlett nodded as I went over to the bar. "Can I get a tequila sunrise, on the rocks." I asked. The bartender nodded, scurrying off somewhere to prepare my drink.

Once I got my drink I took a few sips of it as Scarlett walked over to me. "Having fun?" I asked, laughing a bit. She nodded. "Yes! I love it here!" I smiled at her excitement over a stupid bar. Do they not have bars in Canada? No they do I bet, maybe she just doesn't go.

"Stop being so boring and dance!" She told me, I sighed as she once again, dragged me to the dance floor. This time I decided to let loose, let the alcohol flow through me freely.

I danced like my life depended on it, moving my body to the music, I didn't notice that me and Scarlett were getting oddly close. Her hands were draped lazily around my neck as I found myself loosing control.

Was I drunk? No way right? The max amount of drinks I could have had was 4! I mean, the bartender did limit me right?

Then again Scarlett did buy me a few drinks, and I knew I bought 2 more myself.

Shit. I was drunk. There was no doubt about it. I just needed to regain control over my own body and mind, and I should be good.

But this music is freakishly loud, and this place is super crowded. What the fuck was I supposed to do?

Renee's POV

"Alright! I'll see yall tomorrow!" I shouted, exiting the studio. I texted Y/n that I was going to go to the bar. A few drinks couldn't hurt and I really wanted to meet Scarlett.

It wasn't too far from the studio so I made it there in no time. I quickly scanned the room for Y/n and this supposed Scarlett character.

I saw them dancing, Y/n looked drunk as fuck and so did Scarlett to be honest. That was no excuse however for her to be touching my girlfriend like that??? What the fuck??

I walked over to them, plastering on my best fake smile. Y/n saw me first and her eyes immediately lit up, she jumped on to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back, and smiled. Once she got off of me she turned to Scarlett.

"Scarlett this is Reneé, my girlfriend the one I was telling you about." She slurs, smiling like a homeless person who just got a dollar.

"Reneé this is Scarlett my friend since like forever!" I try and smile as I give her an awkward wave, in which she reciprocates.

I turn to Y/n.

"Y/n." I say a bit sterner than intended. She turns to look at me, a questioning look on her face.

"Bathroom. Now."

Authors Note!


No big fight so YAY well not yet

Vote comment and share or Lily- half demon-half wolf -popular -cheerleader -crush: Jake -cute -hot funny -smart - I see red when I'm angry- will come to ur house


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