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Y/n's POV


The entire car ride to the house I was already teasing Reneé. As she was driving I would put my hand on her thigh and discreetly trail it up or I would kiss her neck until she swatted me away.

Once we entered the house Reneé and I immediately went up to the bedroom, closing and locking the door behind us.

I kissed Reneé hastily, as I rushed to pull her shirt off before she stopped me. "You were a nerd in high school." She laughs. I look at her with dark eyes.

"If you bring up me in high school one more time I'm gonna fuck you until you can't speak anymore."

Renee's eyes go wide and I watch amused. She then smirks at me, trying to play it off. "Oh really?" She asks in a low voice. "Why don't you show me how good you can fuck me."

I push her onto the bed and continue my actions from before, taking her shirt off. I un clip her bra, kissing both her breasts softly before latching my lips onto her nipple, sucking on it softly.

I do this for a few minutes, switching between the two before going down to where she needs me most. I swiftly take off her pants and start to rub her through her panties.

"Y/n please...enough teasing." I smirk at her words, moving her panties off to the side. I take a swipe through her folds. "Look at me while I fuck you." I state, she immediately snaps her eyes open and looks at me with lustful eyes.

I suck her wetness off my fingers before playing with her clit. I rub slow circles around it causing Reneé to let out a few low whimpers.

I slowly tease her entrance as I insert one finger inside of her. I start to move my finger in and out of her at a slow cautious pace, knowing that slow and cautious was the last thing Reneé wanted.

I started to ease in another finger going, resuming my actions, this time faster and more rough. I could hear Reneé's sweet moans as I could feel her walls clench around my hand.

"Y/n, faster please, I'm so close." She practically begged. I continued to pump my fingers in and out of her as my hand began to cramp, but this was not the time to start complaining.

"F-fuck! I'm coming!" She yelled out, I smirked to myself but I didn't slow down. Reneé began to pant and moan as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Y/n I-i can't take it."

Still, I continued, "yes you can baby." I replied as I could feel Reneé beginning to reach a second orgasm. "Shit!" She screamed.

I slowed down, finally taking my fingers out of her as I kissed up her thighs. "You did so good for me baby." I praised, she gave a soft laugh and sighed deeply.

"You wanna shower?" She asked. I looked at her confused, then a small smirk played on my face. "I thought two orgasms in a row would be enough for you." I teased.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not talking about sex Y/n. I'm asking if you wanna get cleaned up." She explained. I laughed softly and nodded.

"Whatever you want Reneé."

Authors Note!

Ugh sorry for not posting i literally have the biggest writers block so here's so more unnecessary smut 😭

Vote comment and share or Jojo Siwa  will find u (I was a bad girl I did some bad things)


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