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~Time skip, last day of tour~ (sorry)

Y/n's POV

Reneé was currently singing the chorus to pretty girls as I smiled broadly at her. The memories I made on this tour...the memories we both made! Gosh this entire experience has been so amazing I can't believe it.

"In the p.m., all the pretty girls
They have a couple drinks, all the pretty girls
So now they wanna kiss all the pretty girls
They got to have a taste of a pretty girl
In the a.m., all the pretty girls
Act like it never happenеd in another world
Yeah, it's a blessing and it's a cursе
So keep on pretending, pretty girl"

Renee's voice was angelic, I could listen to her all day long and never get tired of it. She could be talking about anything, singing anything and I would listen to every word. She just had that effect on people, it was so easy to be in love with Reneé Rapp.

I focused my attention away from Reneé for a moment and turned to the crowd in front of me. I interacted with a few of them, saying hi and stuff like that. I read some of the posters that fans had held up. To my surprise some were targeted towards me!

What else can those fingers do Y/n??

Reneé Rapp is my spirit animal

I want a relationship like Renee's and Y/n's


When the song ended, I still interacted with the crowd as Reneé did the same. I could hear her from the opposite side of the stage. "Whenever I go somewhere, someone is always with me."

Then some girl immediately yelled back, "I'll go anywhere with you!" I rolled my eyes at that, but still laughed as Reneé tried to figure out what the girl had said. "What was that baby?"

Since it was the last day of the tour, I felt myself getting emotional, almost as if I wanted to cry. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I got to experience with the girl that made me happiest. I couldn't ask for anything more.

I completely drowned everything out, all the noise, fans cheering, everything. I just payed attention to the people around me, the thousands of fans here to support Reneé it was incredible.

Suddenly, drowned out of my deep thought, the crowd started going Crazy, like absolutely wild. I was confused at first.

Shit, is Reneé starting another song?

I turned around and say Reneé, down on one knee, my heart practically beat out of my chest. It was pounding in my chest it almost hurt. Holy shit is this really happening? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

"Y/n," Reneé spoke into the mic. "You are the most beautiful, talented person I know, and I love you with all my heart." She paused for a moment as tears filled my eyes.

"Will you marry me?"

Authors Note!

Watch her say no 🤪🤪

Haven't done this in a while so spam for next chapter

Vote comment and share or a 12 year old boy will start mewing at you 🤫🧏‍♀️


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