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Renee's POV

After talking with everyone who had a backstage pass and taking pictures I made my way over to the dressing room. I opened the door to see Y/n who was fully awake now, playing on her phone.

She didn't seem to notice me come in as she hasn't even looked up yet. "Hi baby!" I exclaimed happily, plopping down next to her. She jumped a bit, clearly startled.

"Shit!" She exclaimed looking up at me, her startled face quickly turned into a smile. "Oh, hey Nae." She said hugging me. I was quick to hug back as I planted a soft kiss to her head.

"Anything you wanna do?" I asked, she shrugged in response. "I don't know, can we just go back to the hotel and watch a movie or something?" I was happy to oblige to her request. "Of course!"

As I drove to the hotel, Y/n seemed to brighten in her seat. I glanced over at her confused, "what's up?" I asked, she turned and smiled at me.

"Let's play Just Dance when we get to the hotel!"

I laughed a bit, Just Dance? That was so random. "How are we gonna do that?" I asked, chuckling softly to myself. "YouTube!" She exclaimed like it was obvious.

I nodded, pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. "Ok then...let's do it!" She clapped her hands together in excitement as we both got out of the car.

We walked into the hotel room, and quickly got changed into pajamas, I got changed before her so I decided to just load up YouTube and look at some Just Dance Videos.

Y/n finished changing shortly after, as I handed her the remote. "Which one?" She asked, scrolling through all the options. "I don't care whatever you want baby." I replied with a shrug, throwing myself onto the near by bed.

"Ooh how about the 'Call Me Maybe' one!" Y/n suggested happily. "Sure!" I replied, practically jumping off the bed.

She clicked on the video as we both started to dance with the character on the screen. "How do you do that move??" Y/n asked laughing, trying to reciprocate the dance but failing miserably.

After a few more rounds of Just Dance we were exhausted as we both flopped onto the bed. Y/n curled up next to me, her eyes closed. "I love you Reneé." She sighed.

I looked at her, softly playing with her hair. "How do you know?" I asked, she immediately shot up and looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"

" do you know you're in love with me?" I asked in a low voice, barely above a whisper.

Y/n smiled at me. "Because, whenever I look at you I just immediately feel better, I get all glowy, and no matter what you do you just make me smile, you make me so happy Reneé I can't even explain it." She paused for a moment before continuing.

"When I look at you it's like looking at my other half, you remind me of everything that I love and god I could just stare at you for hours. Talking to you is so refreshing too! You're honest and raw and just incredible Reneé, I love you, I'm in love with you." She paused again and met my now teary eyes. "A-are you in love" She spoke, her face dropping a bit.

I immediately grabbed her face and kissed her, pulling away after a quick second. "I am so in love with you Y/n, I don't think I've ever loved someone more, even when I first met you I knew.." I paused trying to find the right words to say.

"I knew I was meant to be with you."

She looked at me and smiled, pulling me in for a soft kiss once again.

Authors Note!

Ugh they are so cute bro where can I find this???

Vote comment and share or you'll be in the dark 50 yards from ur car you could climb that tree but you won't get that far, and two men are there their 100 pounds heavier they have your keys ur a rat in a trap correction ur the cheese (Go listen to Your Welcome form west end heathers rn)


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