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Renee's POV

"What's the color scheme?"

"Are you gonna wear a dress or a suit?"

"Should I wear a suit?!"

"Oh my god Y/n!" I whisper yelled to the girl bedside me. "We don't even have a date yet, how am I supposed to know the color scheme?" I laughed

She smiled weakly at me. "Sorry, but my minds racing with ideas!" I chuckled softly to myself and looked out the plane window. We had a 10 hour flight and I was ready to just go to sleep.

I was about to doze off when Y/n, pulled me out of my thoughts. "Reneé are you even listening to me?"

"Y/n, I love you, hell I'm marrying you, but we have a 10 hour flight and I need some sleep, so please, with all the love in my heart shut up." Y/n began to smile, then she broke into a fit of laughter. She kissed me softly on the head. "Dream about ideas for the wedding." She spoke, I shook my head in disbelief.

"I'll try not to." I joked, she playfully shoved me, then let me sleep.


When I woke up, Y/n was wide awake still, watching a movie on her phone, AirPods in, fully immersed in the film in front of her. I took one of the AirPods out of her ear, "whatcha watching?" I asked in a playful voice.

She jumped a bit. "Jeez, you scared me Nae!" I only laughed. "I'm watching The Half Of It." Sh answered, I nodded. "That's a little gay, no?" I teased.

"Reneé let me watch my movie in peace!" Y/n whisper yelled, I chuckled a bit but left her alone. After the movie was done, Y/n and I discussed more details about the wedding until she inevitably fell asleep.

Her was on my shoulder as I silently stroked her hair, watching her sleep peacefully. A couple of hours later, we were finally back in LA, Y/n was still asleep.

When the plane landed I nudged her softly. "Baby, we're here." She groaned, but opened her eyes. She smiled when she saw me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I grabbed some of our bags from the overhead as we both walked off the plane.

Once we got our stuff from baggage claim and some Starbucks per Y/n's request, we waited outside for Adam to come pick us up.

About 30 minutes later we saw him and got into his car, he hand an earlier flight then us so him, being the sweetheart he is, offered to drive us home, such a cutie.

"Hey Adam, how was your flight?" I asked cheerfully, as Y/n stayed silent, sipping her coffee. "It was good..." he paused, trailing off.

"We need to talk."

Authors Note!

Uh oh chat what does Adam  need to talk to him about??????

Vote comment and share or I'm making them call off the wedding 🤓☝️


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