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Y/n's POV

I just got off my shift at the restaurant and I was heading home to change. I texted Scarlett earlier today that we could meet at this bar on the outskirts of town.

Reneé was busy in the studio today so I couldn't take her along, I still texted her the address just in case she got off early and wanted stop by. Nonetheless I went home and changed into a simple outfit.

(Ur outfit)

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(Ur outfit)

I texted Reneé to let her know that I was driving to the bar.

Future wife: I'm driving to the bar now text me when u get off work

Nae 🫶: ok baby be safe pls

Future wife: I wil, I love u <3

Nae 🫶: I love u too ❤️

I smiled to myself, putting my phone away. I drove for another 5 minutes before reaching the bar. I saw Scarlett standing out front, looking around.

I walked up to her, a huge smile plastered on my face. Once she saw me she immediately indulged me in a tight hug. "Oh my god! Y/n!! I haven't seen you in forever!" Scarlett exclaimed happily.

I smiled, "I know right! You look great by the way!" I complimented, she blushed a bit. "Says you! You look stunning."

We both walked inside the lively bar. There were men screaming at the TV and girls flirting with the bartender for a free drink.

Note to self: never go to a bar again.

I don't even know why I had suggested a bar. I would much rather go to a small coffee shop or even the park but Scarlett seemed to be loving it. "Let's get a drink!" She yelled over the loud noises of music and talking.

Note to self part 2: don't get drunk

I wasn't myself when I was drunk. I would make stupid mistakes that I'll regret later. I nodded, as she dragged me over to where the bar was. After Scarlett ordered her drink I ordered mine, telling the bartender to not serve me more than 4 drinks. He nodded, going off to help some other customers.

Scarlett quickly downed her drink, and we got to talking. "So how's Canada treating you?" I asked, Scarlett had moved to Canada a little while back, she said she wanted a "fresh start"

"Oh it's been great! Everyone is so nice! You have to come visit some time!" I smiled and nodded, I've never been out of country before, so it seemed exciting. "I would love to! I think my girlfriend has been there but I'm not sure."

Her face dropped a little, almost unnoticeably. "Girlfriend?" She asked. I nodded cheerfully, I loved talking about Reneé. "Yeah! She's kind of famous, Reneé Rapp? Have you heard of her?" I asked.

Scarlett immediately burst out laughing. "I knew you were joking!" I frowned and looked at her confused. "I-I'm not joking?" I spoke out seriously.

"Wait, you're being for real?" I nodded hastily, her mouth formed an O shape as she slowly nodded. "Well, good for you! She's hot!"

We talked more about random stuff and life, Scarlett order about 5 more drinks since the one she had and I was only on my second.

'Party in the USA' by Miley Cyrus started playing, wow this bar really knew how to hype up all the white girls. Scarlett drunkly turned to me.

"Let's dance!"

Authors Note!

Short chapter ik ik but I'm posting the next one soon

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