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Y/n's POV

Me and Reneé have kissed twice now, that's two more times than I thought we would. I didn't want to make things more complicated between us but I just needed to get through band practice for now.

Everyone was already there waiting for me. "Look who finically decided to show up!" Miguel said, getting up from his chair.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah yeah let's just start." I laughed. We played a couple of songs, but mostly just joked around. We only had one gig at some random club this week, definitely not our best.

I returned home a few hours later, completely exhausted. The house was empty, and I didn't see Towa's car in the driveway, or my mom's.

Having the house to myself I immediately did the only reasonable thing and blasted music from my phone singing along while making food. "Pretty Girls Make Graves" by The Smiths came on and I sang my heart out.

"And sorrow's native son
He will not smile for anyone
And pretty girls make graves"

"The smiths?" I heard a voice call out, I paused the music on my phone and turned to see Reneé standing in the doorway. "Shit sorry, thought I was home alone." I let out, awkwardly rubbing the back of my head.

"You're good, keep singing." She said smiling at me. I blushed, clearly embarrassed. "No! No, i- uhm no."

Reneé laughed and left the kitchen.

God that was embarrassing.

I wanted to talk to Renee about what we were going to do about our...situation. But how does one even bring that up in causal conversation? And I don't want to make anything weird between us.

Shortly after my encounter with Reneé, Towa and my mom came home. "Y/n, honey when'd you get home?" My mom asked. I smiled softly at her, "about an hour ago."

She hummed, sitting down on the couch, turning on the news. Reneé, Towa, and I, all sat around the couch, watching in silence.

After a few moments Reneé started getting touchy with Towa. She started to whisper things in her ear, kissing her, and even going as far as sitting in her lap.

I watched them from the corner of my eye, as my blood boiled with jealousy. I knew that's what Reneé wanted when we made eye constant, she smirked at me. A sly, devilish smirk.

God it took everything in me not to fuck her right here right now.

I hated to see her like that with anyone but a specially my sister. Reneé if you can read my thoughts right now, fuck you.

Towa if you can read my thoughts right now as well, fuck you too, also I kissed your girlfriend, TWICE.

I needed to leave before I puked all over the floor. "I'm not feeling well, I'm gonna go to bed." I stated simply, getting up from the couch. "Are you feeling alright sweetie?" My mom asked.

I gave her a dazed nod, trudging up the stairs. I went in my room and slammed the door behind me. Mom was gonna kill me for that.

I lied down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

What was I doing with my life?

Authors note!

Short filler chapter but the next chapter gonna be better (in more ways then one 😉)

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