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Y/n's POV

"The paparazzi."

Reneé turns to me with a look of panic and worry. I immediately get the hint and start the car, driving out of the drive-in as fast as possible. "Will they follow us?" I ask, looking back at Reneé. She shrugs, "I don't know...keep driving." I nod and continue to drive faster. She looks distressed and I don't know if I should drive back to the house or somewhere else. "Do you wanna go home?"

She responds immediately. "No! Sorry, no, just keep driving until we loose them." I nod again. I drive in circles a couple of times, I get on and off the freeway, I went into a McDonalds drive through for crying out loud. Reneé kept looking back to see if they were still following and up until we got on the freeway for the 5th time they gave up. I pulled over in an empty 7/11 parking lot.

We sat in silence, and I could hear Renee's phone buzz. She pulled it out of her pocket to check it a look of horror on her face. She showed me her screen, it was a series of multiple texts from her manager, Adam.

Adam: Did you and Towa break up?

Adam: why are you all over fucking gossip websites??

Adam: TMZ magazine is publishing an article about you Towa and Y/n!!

Adam: Reneé you better answer

I looked at her in shock. "What are you going to say?" I asked. "I-I don't know.."

I put my hand on her thigh, "Y/n please I'm not in the mood." She spoke moving my hand off of her.

"Sorry I was just trying to comfort you. I didn't mean any harm." I let out, looking down. She looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"

Now it was my turn to look confused. "I-i was trying to comfort you? I..I don't know." I let out. I was just over all confused on the entire situation.

"Oh." Reneé said in a 'That's it?' Kind of way. "And that's all you were trying to do?" She asked.

"Yeah of course, are you ok?" I questioned, she grabbed my hand it put it back on her thigh, staring out the window.

"Yeah I'm ok, it's just Towa...nevermind." My jaw clenched at the mention of my sister. "What did Towa do?" I asked a bit harsher than I intended.

"I-" Tears started to form in her eyes and I knew whatever she was about to say, it would get real heavy real quick. "It's just whenever she put her hand on my thigh it always meant she wanted to.." she paused and looked at me. "You know, uhm."

I nodded, realizing how uncomfortable she was talking about it. How dare she? Treat Reneé like that? I was fuming. "I would never do anything you didn't want me to." I paused and looked at her, wiping the tears from her eye with my thumb. "I would never do anything to hurt you Reneé."

She sighed softly and smiled at me. "Let's go back home." She stated. I nodded and started the car. The car ride home was silent.

I drove with my hand on her thigh the entire ride back, it was a nice feeling, knowing she wanted me like this.

When we got home we both changed into some pajamas and headed downstairs, I made hot chocolate for Reneé and I as we drank it in peaceful, comfortable, silence.

"Do you wanna go upstairs?" I asked after we finished drinking the hot chocolate. She nodded and I grabbed her hand leading her up the stairs.

Once we entered my bedroom I lied down on the bed, with Reneé lying on top of me. Her head rested on my chest, as both of her legs wrapped around my right leg. She clung onto me tightly as I slowly stroked her hair.

"Reneé." I said softly, she hummed gesturing for me to continue. "I- I know you just got out of a relationship with Towa but I really like you and I want to be with you, if you're not ready that's totally fine though, I can wait and-"

Reneé cut off my rambling with a soft peck to my lips, she looked at me for a second and smiled, kissing me again more passionately. I kissed back, letting our mouths mold against each other.

"I want to be with you Y/n." She finally said, as we both pulled away from the kiss. I smiled brightly at her, kissing her once more.

Authors Note!

Ugh the lesbians r happy

Short chapter ik but ill give u guys yk what in the next 🤪🤪

Vote comment and share bc I said so :)


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