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Renee's POV

I scanned my eyes around the ginormous crowd, all cheering and clapping. This was what I had wanted, what I had longed for my entire life.

To be here in this moment with the women I love by my side and thousands of fans supporting me along the way.  I looked over to Y/n who was focused on the crowd and her guitar.

I continued to sing the lyrics to 'Tummy Hurts' but my mind was still racing with a million different thoughts.

After I had finished the song I decided it'd be fun to just talk a little bit. I sat down near the edge of the stage, watching as Y/n went to go talk with her band mates.

I saw someone with a bottle of alcohol and pointed to them. "Hey what is that?" I asked them. Her friends started to scream and cheer as she yelled. "Shitty Vodka!"

I laughed, catching Y/n's attention as she looked over at us. "How shitty?"

"Really shitty!"

I contemplated my choices and decided to have a shot. "Alright give me a shot." She handed it to me as I took a swig. "You're right that was shitty." I laughed again, watching Y/n from the corner of my eye looking at us with a soft smile.

"Baby come here! Take a shot with me!" I smiled, calling her over. She nodded grinning from ear to ear. The girl handed me another shot as Y/n reached out her hand to grab it. I swatted it away. "Open." I stated blankly.

I could hear the crowd cheer loudly, as a small blush played on her face. She obliged however and opened her mouth as I poured the shot in her mouth.

"No chaser?" She asked with a smirk.

"Here's a chaser for you." I replied, grabbing her, smashing our lips together, she immediately kissed back as I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

I could hear the large amount of people begin to scream and holler. At us as we both pulled away.

Y/n's POV

My face was very clearly red from the stunt Reneé had pulled. I walked back over to my friends as they all smirked at me making me blush harder.

"So how was the vodka?" Ivy mused, as the rest of the gang only snickered. I rolled my eyes. "It was shitty, do you guys wanna try?"

"Is Renee's tongue gonna be our chaser as well?" He snorted. The rest of the group burst out laughing. My face flushed. "No! Oh my god just- ugh!" The group began to laugh again.

After Reneé finished her set plus an encore from Actively Living, we were all super tired.

We didn't have another show until next week so we could enjoy Paris for a little. Our hotel was only a few minute walk from the Eiffel Tower, Paris was magical at night.

After me and Reneé both showered I flopped onto the bed beside her, enjoying the peacefulness of it all.

"I love you so much Reneé." I finally said, breaking the silence.

"God, I love you too." She replied, pulling me in for a soft kiss before we both fell asleep.

Authors Note!

Short filler chapter 😝

Any guesses for the next book?? Aaaninalo don't u dare spoil it

Vote comment and share or I'm ending it and never posting ever again no new book no nothing


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