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Renee's POV

It was a work day sadly, for me and Y/n. She had a shift at the pool and as much as I would have loved to go watch her in her hot uniform, I have to be in the studio today.

I wasn't supposed to but my manager had called for me last minute. Once I arrived, I could feel a shift in the room.

Alex, Adam, and Towa were all there.

Oh shit.

Adam cleared his throat. "So.." He looked between me and Towa. "Towa tells me that you guys broke up." He states, I nod to confirm.

"And you're now dating her sister, Y/n, was it?" I again nod, as he sighs. "Reneé," He let out, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "You and Towa are supposed to go on tour together, how is this going to work?" He asks.

Towa begins to speak, "I don't wanna go on tour, I need time to myself."

I roll my eyes at her as Alex sits there uncomfortably watching the events before him unfold. "Well, Reneé, what do you want to do." Adam asks me.

An idea pops into my head.

Actively Living.

"I think I know a band that's willing to play for me, and even some back up vocals." I say with a sly smirk on my face. I watch Towa's demeanor shift, she knows I'm talking about Y/n and she hates it.

"Im leaving." She states, exiting the studio, thank god that hoe is gone. "What band?" Alex asks, finally inserting himself in the conversation.

"You'll see."


"Are you serious Reneé?!" Y/n yells out happily and I nod, she wraps me in a tight hug, as I hug her back.

"Oh my god! I need to text the band, we need to learn all your songs! Oh my god!" She's freaking out at this point as she pulls out her phone, to text her friends.

I can hear her notifications go haywire as the band, I'm assuming, excitedly texts back. She smiles at me and hugs me again. "Reneé this is huge!"

"I know baby!" I smile, she kisses me passionately on the lips, as we relish in each other's touch. "I love you so much." She mumbles against my lips.

I grin into the kiss, "I love you so much more."

When we finally pull away, Y/n goes into the kitchen and makes some fucking ramen, to "celebrate" who the fuck makes ramen to celebrate???

After we eat our Ramen, Y/n leaves to go meet up with the group in person. She asked if I wanted to go but I decided that it would be better to just let them go crazy when I'm not there.

While home alone, I emailed a few people back, went through my socials, posted some out of pocket shit on twitter, and watched a 'Your birth month your Reneé Rapp song'

Tell me why I got 'I wish'??

Y/n got home a bit later, she brought home leftovers from the diner that she went to. "Did you eat?" She asked me, I shook my head no, I completely forgot to eat. "I can warm up some of this food," She gestured to the bag in her hands.

"Or I can make you something?" She paused, putting the bag of food on the counter. "What do you want to eat?"

I gave her a playful smirk as she rolled her eyes at me. "Reneé seriously, what do you want?" She asked again. She was looking down at me, because I was sitting down. I pulled her down onto my lap and kissed her gently. "Reneé." She squeaked out softly. I laughed as she got up.

"I'm making you a sandwich."

"That's very women like." I laughed.


Authors Note!!


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