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Renee's POV

The music was blaring into my ears as we arrived. Towa went over to one of her friends, leaving me there alone. The smell of alcohol and Sex filled my nose as I looked around for Y/n.

She was the only reason I was here anyway. I could see her dancing with Ivy, drink in hand, having the time of her life.

I smiled to myself, she was beautiful. Her outfit was put together yet careless at the same time. I loved that about her. She never really cared.

(Ur outfit)

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(Ur outfit)

Ivy excused herself to go get another drink as I took the opportunity to go talk to her. "Hey!" I screamed over the loud music. "Hi!" She yelled back.

"Glad you made it!!" She shouted over the music. I smiled, "yeah me too!" We both danced to the music, not saying a word to each other.

I looked over at Towa to see her still talking to her friend, the same friend that was at the pool the other day actually. Ivy came back and handed Y/n a drink. Y/n drinks all of it in no time, practically downing it.

"I see my ex-boyfriend! I need to go talk to him!" Ivy yells. Y/n laughs, clearly drunk. "Bitch which one?!" Ivy scoffs and heads over to some guy.

"I need another drink! Let's take shots!" Y/n shouts. I smile and nod as she drags me towards the bar. "Four fireball shots please!" Y/n slurs. The bartender hands Y/n the shots as she takes two, giving me the other two.

She downs them both at the same time, as I do the same. We make our way back to the dance floor and some girl approaches Y/n.

"Hey, are yo single?" The girl asks. Y/n glances at me for a second before smirking and replying. "Yeah, why?"

The girl blushes slightly. "Wanna dance?" Y/n nods. "Bye Reneé!" She yells after me as I shyly wave back.

I was alone now, again.

Knowing Y/n was drunk, I watched her and the girl carefully from a distance. They didn't seem to be doing anything to crazy so I went to find Towa

I eventually found her and it looked like she was looking for me too. "Dance with me!" I yelled. Towa sighed, and laughed putting her drink down.

I dragged her to where Y/n and the girl were dancing. The girls back was pushed up against
Y/ns front, Y/n's hands on her waist. The moved sensually to the music. I could see Y/n glancing at me and Towa from the corner of my eye.

I smirked to myself and did the same dance they were doing, grinding my hips into Towa. I could see Y/n's face drop for a second be for a smirk replaced it.

She spun the girl around so they were facing each other and she kissed her. Pulling away for only a second until they were full on making out.

My blood boiled with jealousy. "I'm feeling sick, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I lied, excusing myself from Towa. She frowned but nodded as I pushed my way through the crowd.

I really did feel like I was gonna be sick, metaphorically. Seeing that girl all pressed up against Y/n made me sick, that's for sure.

Maybe it was the jealousy coursing through me or the alcohol in me but I did actually throw up. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Occupied!" I yelled. I heard a sigh.

"Reneé it's me Towa! Are you ok in there?" She asked sweetly.

"Yeah I'm fine baby! Just go back to the party don't worry about me!"

I could hear footsteps, assuming she walked away. I threw up once more. I felt disgusting. Again, there was a knock at the door.

"Towa I told you I was-" The door opened and I could see Y/n standing there as she shut the door behind her.

"Jesus Christ Y/n!" I yelled, "what if I was taking a shit?" She laughed, and rolled her eyes at me. "I heard you puking."

She replied walking over to me, pulling my hair back. I mumbled a small thanks, as I threw up again. She slowly rubbed my back. It felt nice.

Then I remembered the girl she was with and I threw up again. She whispered comforting words to me. "Who was that girl you were dancing with?" I asked.

Y/n looked taken aback. "Wow you really are stalking me Reneé." She replied. I rolled my eyes. "Her name is Sophia, why?" She asks.

"Oh uhm no reason." I stutter out nervously. I stand up to face her. She looks at me with lustful eyes.

I can't do this. I think, I can't cheat on Towa, and Y/n's drunk, she'll probably forget about it in the morning leaving me heartbroken. I clear my throat awkwardly.

"I-i should probably wash my mouth out.." I trail off nervously. A flash of disappointment crosses her face before she nods. I turn on the sink and wash my hands, washing my mouth out shortly after.

I can see Y/n come up behind me. I look at her through the mirror as she does the same. "We should get back." I state blankly.

She nods, but doesn't move. Not wanting to seem suspicious, I exit the bathroom without her.

Oh my god.

Authors Note!


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