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Y/n's POV

2:36 A.M

I had been in my bed, wide awake for who knows how long. I couldn't sleep, not with the thought of Reneé coursing through my mind. I feel as though seeing her being all flirty and touchy with Towa made me feel as if we were in a relationship and she just cheated on me.

Right in front of my eyes.

We weren't in a relationship though, only having shared two kisses with each other. But for some reason she had this effect on me. Like she was a drug and I was addicted.

I had no clue- knock knock knock

"Are you awake?" A soft voice whispered through the door. I got up and opened the door to see Reneé standing there, perfect timing.

"You shouldn't be here." I spoke coldly. She rolled her eyes and came in anyway. "Don't you have a girlfriend to fuck?" I said, clearly annoyed.

"Will you stop being so childish?" She stated, sitting down on my bed. "You're the one being childish!" I retaliated, looking down at her. "You didn't stop me when I kissed you! And then you go eye fuck Towa right in front of me?!"

She smirked. "Jealous?" I rolled my eyes, of course she was trying to make me jealous. "That was your plan all along wasn't it?" I huffed.

"Wouldn't you like to know," She stated, standing up moving closer to me inch by inch. I stayed completely still. "Tell me you don't want to fuck me right now." She asked.

My breath hitched at her words. "Is that why you've been acting like this?" I mused, her smirk fell. "So you can get fucked like the slut you are?"

Now it was my turn to do the smirking, I pushed her down onto the bed, a gasp leaving her lips at the suddenness. I trapped our lips in a bruising kiss. As she moaned into my touch.

I trailed my hands up her shirt, stoping just below her bra. "Can I touch you pretty girl?" I asked, she moaned again.

"Please..." I smirked, taking off her shirt and throwing it to the side. I unclipped her bra, kissing her neck making my way down to her tits, kissing each of her breasts softly.

I slowly lowered myself, down to the hem of her sweatpants , fiddling with the strings. "You want me to fuck you Reneé? Beg for it."

Her eyes shot open, as she looked at me with pleading eyes. "Please Y/n, please.." I didn't move so she continued. "I'll do anything please!" She practically moaned.

Still not satisfied I gestured for her to continue. "Y/n please fuck me!" She begged. I smiled and began slowly pulling down the pants, throwing them somewhere across the room.

I started to slowly rub her through her clothed center, "Enough teasing, please..." she begged quietly. I pulled down her panties, rubbing circles around her clit before taking a swipe through her folds.

I held my fingers up to her mouth. "Suck, taste yourself." She moaned, doing as told as I watched her.

Carefully, I slipped one finger inside of her, pumping it in and out of her slowly. Reneé gasped, "Fuck.."

I slid another finger inside of her, pumping in and out of her faster, using my thumb to circle her clit. Breathless pants and moans filled the room.

"Be quiet, wouldn't want your girlfriend to see you like this." She moaned again at my words as a sly smirk played on my face.

"I bet you'd love that wouldn't you? For Towa to see you getting fucked by me." I paused for a moment, pumping my fingers faster. "To see you getting treated like a slut."

She moaned loudly as I used my free hand to cover her mouth, letting go slowly. "Y/n I'm gonna fuck-! Y/n I'm gonna cum!"

I sped up my pace, "Good girl, cum on my fingers." Almost immediately after that I could feel a warm liquid on my fingers as I slowed down.

Reneé was panting as I helped her come down from her high, lowering myself to clean her up with my tongue.

"Fuck your good at that." She said a bit breathlessly.

"I have a lot of experience." I joked, she smacked me softly against the head. "Kidding!"

"Holy shit...we just fucked!" She said, clearly freaking out. "Let's do it again sometime." I laughed.

"I-I...I have to go!" She said in a rushed manner, hastily putting her clothes back on. She exited my room, presumably going back to Towa's.


Authors Note!

Teheehehehehe smut 🤭🤭🤭

Vote comment and share pretty please 🥺 🙏


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