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Towa's POV (yall already know what's happening)

After breakfast I noticed Reneé was limping, which was odd. She didn't tell me that she hurt herself and we didn't do anything recently. I went up to her, trying to figure out what was going on. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked, giving her a sympathetic smile.

Reneé looked at me confused. "Yeah, why?" I narrowed my eyes at her, gesturing to her legs. "You're limping." I stated plainly. A flash of panic shot across face before returning back to normal. "Oh-! Yeah I uhm, I fell down, and you know me! I bruise pretty easily, so it kind of hurts." She laughed nervously. I looked her up and down. "Ok.." I mumbled.

A few moments later I decided to just go back to my room, as I was walking down the hall to my room I noticed Y/n's door was peaked open just a tad. It wouldn't hurt if I just...? Slowly, I inched towards her room, creaked open the door, popping my head inside. I looked around the room, noticing some of her clothes on the floor, a few vinyls, Renee's Bra, and wait a second! Renee's bra?!

I must be seeing things, I thought to myself. I moved closer to it, examining it. This was Renee's bra, I knew it for a fact. But what the fuck was it doing in her room? Something clicked inside my head, it all made sense now.

The discreet glances, the party, the hushed conversations, the limping. I was blind to see it before, but I sure as hell could see it now. I wanted to kill Y/n and maybe even Reneé. I thought I could trust her, I thought I could trust the both of them!

I heard the door open, and Y/n's voice echoing through the halls, "I'm home!" She yelled out. My fist clenched around the bra. As I made my way downstairs.

I walked up to her as she gave me a smile, "Hey Towa-" I immediately cut her off holding up the bra. "Don't 'Hey Towa' me! What the fuck was Renee's bra doing in your room?!" I yelled, holding it up. Y/n looked shocked, as she open and closed her mouth, but no words came out.

Reneé walked over to us. "Hey what's going-" She paused for a moment, her eyes wide with fear, shock, and guilt. "Fuck." She stated.

I threw the bra at Reneé as she awkwardly caught it. "Care to explain why this was in Y/n's room?" I asked, clearly frustrated. Both were now a stuttering mess, not being able to say a comprehensible sentence. "I- I can explain!" Reneé finally let out.

"Then explain Reneé! Explain why your fucking bra was in Y/n's room!" I shouted, Reneé and Y/n stayed silent. I could feel my anger building up inside of me.

I lunged at Y/n, tackling her to the ground. She immediately fought back, punching me straight in the jaw. We were now wrestling in the middle of the living room, with Reneé trying to break us apart.

"I thought I could trust you!" I angrily yelled, pulling Y/n's hair. "You don't deserve Reneé, you're an asshole Towa!" She yelled back.

I stopped in my tracks. "Take that back right now." I stated lowly. Y/n was fuming with hatred and anger towards me. "Reneé is the most kind hearted, funny, talented, beautiful person I have ever fucking met Towa!" She yelled. "And I realized at the restaurant, yeah remember that? When you ordered for her, that you were a fucking asshole who doesn't know how to treat a goddess like Reneé!"

She paused taking a quick breath, what do I even say. "And I'm not saying I'm some saint but Jesus fucking Christ at least I know when a girl is absolutely perfect, because clearly, you don't!"

I got off of her, hurt and angry. "You know what fine! You can have her! I was cheating on her anyway! For like 3 months too!!" Reneé gasped and Y/n's eyes widened at my words. I wasn't just saying that to make her angry either, Reneé was always to tired from work to do anything when she got home and I have needs!

Y/n charged at me, punching me straight in the face, I could feel blood dripping down my nose. "You fucking asshole!" She yelled.

"How-!" Punch. "Dare-!" Punch. "You-!" Punch. I probably had two black eyes and I was bleeding like crazy. "Well Reneé cheated too!" I yelled defensively.

"Not for as long as you have! Try 1 week, that's nothing compared to 3 fucking months!" She pointed out, enraged by the situation.

"Fuck you both!" I yelled, grabbing my keys and leaving the house.

Renee's POV

Towa left the house, leaving me and Y/n standing there in silence. Her knuckles were all bloody and her face was bruised up pretty bad, not as bad as Towa's face but still bad. "You could have killed her." I said lowly, looking down at the ground, still in shock of what just happened.

"And I would've." She replied, I looked up at her, only to see her already looking at me. I couldn't take it anymore, I burst into tears. She immediately rushed over to me and hugged me as I fell to the ground, not being able to hold myself up. "It's ok...it'll all be ok." Y/n comforted.

I cried even harder at her words as she stroked my hair. "Why did she cheat Y/n? Is there something wrong with me?" I asked through sobs.

"No! God no...there's nothing wrong with you, you're absolutely perfect." She said, hugging me tighter. "There was something wrong with her, not you." I let myself completely melt in her embrace, trying to savior every second of it.

After a few more sobs and tears, I finally stopped crying. We both pulled away slowly, still on the floor. "Thank you." I whispered out, just loud enough for her to hear. "Of course." She relied, a soft smile on her face.

"N-no for everything." I said, she looked at me confused. "You didn't have to you know, beat her up for me. Or say all those things to her."

"I only spoke the truth Reneé, you're perfect." I didn't say anything, only kissing her softly on the lips. We melted into each others embrace, as we kissed passionately before pulling away."

"I love you." I smiled, wiping a few more tears.

"I love you too, god I really do." She paused for a moment, a small smirk playing on her face. "Just promise me one thing."

I looked at her confused, "Anything."

"Just uhm, don't tell my sister."

I shook my head from side to side, laughing softly, pulling her in and kissing her again.

Authors note!

Are you freaking out? Bc I'm freaking out this is definitely one of my favorite chapters lol :) also I just found out Towa is British??? What!?

Credits too Amelia417422 for chapter ideas!
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