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Y/n's POV

"So what do you wanna do first?" I asked excitedly as Reneé and I walked the streets of Paris. "I really wanna get a baguette!" Reneé exclaimed. I laughed a bit. "Hmm wonder why,"

The blonde immediately glared at me. "I am not gonna release baguette!" She stated sternly. I sighed sarcastically. "It was worth a shot."

We got Renee's baguette and continued to look around at different shops and bakery's. I stoped to get a hot chocolate and I swear it was like heaven in a drink. One of the best things I've ever drank, I don't think I can go back to regular hot chocolate.

We went to a few museums, looking at all the different art work. Don't get me wrong the art was incredible but I couldn't keep my eyes away from Reneé.

The way she looked so focused and happy and fascinated all at the same time, she couldn't look more beautiful. "Why are you starring at me?"

Renee's words broke me out of my trance as I rubbed the back of my neck, a small blush playing on my face. "I- I wasn't, you're just- and I- uh-!" I stuttered out.

She laughed at my flustered state before gesturing me to follow her, we continued to walk around the museum, seeing a shit ton of cool stuff.

We ended up going to a cafe for lunch, deciding to keep it light. Once we were seated, a waiter came and asked for our orders.

"salut, que puis-je commencer pour toi?" (Hi, what can I get started for you?) He asked in a thin French accent. Reneé looked at me confused mouthing 'what the fuck did he say?' I smiled and turned to the man.

"je prendrai la soupe aux champignons." (I'll have the mushroom soup.) I ordered, Reneé just continued to gawk at me in confusion. "What do you want?" I asked as the waiter wrote down my order. "The Cassoulet." She said.

I turned to the waiter again. "La jolie fille aura le Cassoulet." (The pretty girl will have the Cassoulet.) I spoke, the waiter chuckled a bit then nodded, taking our orders to the kitchen.

"I didn't know you spoke French." Reneé smiled, I blushed a bit. "I only know a little bit, I took French for 2 years in high school." She nodded as we talked about random stuff until our food came.

"merci." (Thank you) I stated as the waiter set down our food on the table. He smiled and nodded. "Wow this looks great." The blonde spoke, taking a bite. She practically moaned at the taste. "And it tastes great too!"

"Mhm," I agreed, taking a spoonful of my mushroom soup into my mouth. The rest of the lunch went by smoothly as we just talked and talked, while eating delicious food.

When we finally got back to the hotel we were exhausted, not wanting to do anything else for the rest of the day except enjoy each other's company.

Authors Note!

Sorry for another filler 😭


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