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Y/n's POV

!Smut Warning!

"Ready for your reward?"

Renee's words echoed through out the dressing room, as my eyes widened but quickly fell back to normal. I shot her a teasing smirk. "I thought you said you were tired." I cooed, amused by the situation before me.

"I was just saving energy for this my love." She shrugged, stepping closer towards me, slipping her cold hands under my shirt making me jump.

"Can I touch you pretty girl?" Her hot breath fanned my neck as I slowly nodded. She hummed, and softly kissed me on the lips.

It was passionate and hot. I could feel Renee's soft hands hike up to my bra, as she swiftly unclipped it. I opened my mouth slightly into the kiss, as Reneé used it as an opportunity to explore my mouth with her tongue.

I moaned as she gave a soft squeeze to my breasts, playing with them gently. Her touch was gentle and patient. She kissed me like we had all the time in the world.

I could feel her tug down on my shirt, signaling that she wanted it off. I immediately granted her request pulling it off quickly and reconnecting our lips.

She started to grab at my waist, pulling me impossibly closer, it was as if she needed me so desperately in that moment, like I was she was sick and I was the cure.

I could feel her start to push me slightly, making me back up into the wall. She had me completely pinned and to say I was enjoying it would be an understatement.

"I have a surprise for you, ok?" She asked, kissing my neck soothingly. I nodded in response.

Slowly, she lowered her hands towards the buttons of my jeans, fiddling with them in a teasing manner. "Reneé," I breathed out, growing impatient.

"Shhh patience baby." She said, playing with the buttons for a few more seconds before finally undoing them, taking off my jeans in one swift motion.

I could feel her start to rub me through my clothed center as desperate whimpers left my mouth. She continued to kiss my neck in the process, making me even more wet than I already was.

Suddenly she pulled her hand away as I whined in protest until I realized what she was doing. She started to take off her own pants, and as I looked down I saw my supposed surprise.

It was a 9 inch strap on and my eyes widened. I could hear Reneé chuckle slightly, then turn to me with a stern look.

"Get on the couch." She stated seriously. I smirked at her, deciding to have a little fun first. "And if I don't?" I mused.

She cocked an eyebrow and looked at me with that. "Are you really gonna do this to yourself' look. "Fine." She smiled.

Uh oh.

"Bend over."

"W-what..?" I asked, turned on, yet terrified at the same time.

"You heard me, bend over."

Not wanting to risk further punishment I did as told, feeling myself drip down my thigh. "You looked so good out there tonight." She suddenly spoke. I didn't say anything as she continued. "But I think you'd look even better with my hand prints all over you."

My breathe hitched at her words as she slapped my ass rather harshly. I moaned only causing Reneé to laugh. "You like that? Getting slapped around like a slut?" She spoke in a low tone. She placed another slap on my ass. "Y-yes-!" I whined.

She started to massage the spots where she had hit, muttering soft praises towards me. "Are you ready to do as you're told?" She asked lowly. I nodded frantically. "Words." Reneé stated sternly.

"Yes! Please Reneé just fuck me already."

She smirked, pushing me towards the couch. She let me comfortable as she climbed on top of me. Teasing the strap into my folds.

I moaned, feeling her push about 2 inches of the strap inside of me. I whined as she started to push in more of it, rocking her hips in a steady pattern.

"H-how much more?" I whimpered.

"About 4 more inches, you can take it baby." I nodded at her response, letting myself get situated. Then, without warning I could feel Reneé push the rest of it inside of me, causing me to let out a loud moan.

She started to thrust her hips in and out of me as I continued to moan out cries of her name. "F-faster." I breathed. Reneé looked at me with warning, before picking up the pace.

"F-fuck-! Reneé!" I practically screamed. She started to go faster and faster hitting just the right spots.

"I'm so close! Please Reneé!" I moaned. With a few final thrusts a released onto the toy.

She slowed down her pace, pulling out slowly. She kissed me gently letting me come down from my high.

"Like your reward?" She questioned with a smirk.

"I loved it."

Authors Note!




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