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Y/n's POV

I open my eyes slowly to the sound of a faint beeps. I look around and see my mom talking to a few doctors.

I'm in the hospital.

What the fuck is going on? I sit up a bit more to see Towa and Reneé. Why are they here? A doctor notices I'm awake and makes her way over to me.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" I hesitate, how was I feeling? I wasn't feeling good, physically or mentally, but then again, things could be worse.

I shrugged my shoulders as the doctor nodded. "How about this, on a scale from one to ten how bad is the pain?" She asked politely.

"Eight." I replied simply. She nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard, walking back to my mom who was waiting.

Reneé and Towa walked over to me. "Are you ok?" Reneé asked. I nodded, lying back down. I felt for my phone on the side table, finally grabbing it.

I unlocked it, pressing the camera app, looking at myself. "What the fuck..." I mumbled to no one in particular. There were bandages along the side of my face and stitches on my forehead.

"What were you thinking?!" Towa yelled, I put my phone down to look at her. "Driving home drunk? Are you crazy!?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Well how else was I supposed to get home, walk?!" I yelled back. Before Towa could say anything else, our mom came over to us.

"Towa cut it out, your sister is the goddamn hospital!" She whisper yelled. Towa huffed exiting the room.

"The doctor said they want to keep you here over night for further examination." My mom stated, rubbing my arm softly. "Ok." I reply simply, "I'm a bit tired right now, I'm just gonna go to sleep."

My mom nodded, leaving me alone in the room with Reneé. "Hi," I whisper. She smiles softly at me. "Hey," She pauses, studying my face. "I'm sorry..." She finally lets out, sighing deeply.

I look at her confused. "Why? This isn't your fault." She looks down, fiddling with her hands. "I know, it's just...I don't know."

I let out a small laugh. "You don't know?" I tease. Reneé looks at me and smiles. "Well I mean if I wasn't drunk then I could have brought you home and-" I cut her off.

"It's not your fault, it's mine, I could've asked Towa." She sighed again, nodding. I knew she still felt bad so I grabbed her face, making her look at me.

"It's. Not. Your. Fault." I say sternly. Her mouth parts ever so slightly as I hear her breath hitch. I smirk to myself, letting go of her face.

Reneé reaches for my hair, playing with it softly. My eyes flutter close and I drift off to sleep.

Renee's POV

Y/n is asleep, which makes me smile. She looks so peaceful, so content. I let go of her hair, getting up to leave.

Y/n's eyes open slowly as I stop in my tracks. "Why are you leaving?" She asks me in a slight baby voice. "Stay...please."

I nodded slowly, sitting back down next to her. She drifted off to sleep again, or so I thought. Her eyes were still closed when she began to speak.

"What do you see in Towa?" She asked softly. My eyes widened in shock as I turned to look at her. Her eyes were still closed.

"I-I...I don't know..." I trailed off. To be honest I was taken aback by the question but...what did I see in Towa? She opened her eyes again to look at me. I swear I almost melted on the spot. Her eyes were enchanting, and I couldn't pull away. I felt lost looking at her, I felt like I was in a trance and I couldn't pull away.

I sighed, "I guess, she was just, there for me when I needed her, and she's pretty." Y/n nodded, grabbing my hand, playing with the rings on my fingers. We stayed silent for a moment before
Y/n began talking.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked, I froze. Of course she was pretty. That's an understatement, she's beautiful. "Yeah...yeah, you're," I paused, and she turned to look at me. "You're beautiful." I said a bit breathlessly.

She smiled softly at me. Looking down, trying to hide her blush. "I think you should get some sleep." I suggested. I can't have this situation escalating, but...maybe I want to escalate?


"I'm not tired." She stated nonchalantly. I laughed softly. "I heard you tell your mom you were tired."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "I just wanted her to leave." We both let out a small laugh. "Why? Wanted to be alone with me?"

She glanced at me for a second before returning her eyes to the ground, not saying a word. I wonder what she's thinking about, I know what I'm think about, so I ask her.

"Do you think...I'm pretty?" I asked shyly. Y/n didn't look at me as a soft laugh left her mouth. "God you're gorgeous Reneé."

My heart did flips as my stomach filled with butterflies, and I knew I was blushing like crazy. A few moments passed and she finally looked at me. We stared at each other for a few moments.

I noticed the little details about her. Like how her hair was always in her face, or how her eyes sparkled, ever so slightly.

I knew she was doing the same, the way her eyes traveled from my left eye to my right. Then fell down to my lips. She didn't move her eyes however, they stayed there.

I swallowed, slowly traveling my gaze down to her lips. We were so close I could feel her breath fanning against mine, I wanted her, and she knew it. She had me wrapped her finger since the beginning. I was hooked.

She closed the gap between us, as our mouths molded against each other. Her lips were soft, it was a passionate kiss.

It was slow and full of want, full of need. She kissed me as if my lips were essential to living. Like she needed it everyday and I kissed her back.

Twice as hard

Authors Note!



From the moon and back,

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