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Renee's POV

As soon as we get into the car Towa begins to rant about her sister. "I mean who does she think she is??? She has no right to even say that! It's her job to take our orders and bring us our food not add comments!!"

"Well you weren't exactly being the best girlfriend by saying that I needed to look my best!!" I yelled back angrily. The rest of the car ride is silent after that as we drive back to her mom's house.

Before we go in Towa stops me. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I nod angrily and sham the door. "It better not."

We enter the house as Towa's mom greets us. "Towa, Reneé! You're just in time for dinner." The woman states gesturing for us to sit at the table.

We sit down as she sets down plates of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. "So how was the studio?" She asks, I smile at her. "It was good, got a lot done." I replied.

"She's an amazing song writer mom!" Towa says between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes. "Well I'd love to hear some of your music sometime Reneé." She says.

I smile at her, taking a bite of the meatloaf. "Towa I miss you, it's quiet around here since
Y/n is never home, you should stay for the weekend!"

"Yeah sure that sounds great! What do you think Reneé?" Towa asks gesturing to me. I nod happily at her. "I'd love to!"

"I'll go get some stuff from the apartment after dinner, you can stay here." I nod as we continue to eat, making small talk.

Suddenly the door opens and Y/n comes into the dining room, greeting her mom. "Y/n honey, what are you doing home this early?" The older woman asks. "Theo's sick so band practice got canceled." She says giving her mom a hug.

Their mom nods, "I'll make some soup for you to give him tomorrow." Her mom says.

Y/n's POV

I notice that Reneé is here and I give her a soft smile, in which she returns, making my way to the kitchen. "Y/n there's still plenty of food!" My mom shouts.

I shake my head. "Yeah no, I don't really feel like mystery meat!" I yell back, I can hear my mom laugh as I get some instant ramen from the cabinet.

"Hey mom! When will dad be home?" I ask, she hesitates for a moment before replying. "He should be back from his business trip any day now sweetie!" I nod to myself.

I haven't seen the guy in ages. I miss him. He's always so busy with work however, that we never really get to spend any time with him.

"You should give me a call honey! See what he's up to!" My mom suggests, the thought of calling him never crossed my mind. "Ok! I'll call him tomorrow!" I say getting out a bowl to put my ramen in.

I walk back to the dining room, with my ramen of course and overhear a conversation Towa is having with Reneé.

"You can just wear some of my clothes to bed while I get your stuff." Reneé nods as visible confusion crosses my face.

"Is Reneé staying the night?" I ask, to no one in particular. "The whole weekend actually, we both are." Towa says in a slightly annoyed voice, probably still pressed about the dinner situation.

"Y/n go show Reneé around so Towa can go get her stuff." I sigh and put my ramen down.

"Oh no it's fine! I'll find my way around." Reneé immediately cuts in.

"Nonsense Reneé! Y/n go show her around right now!" I nod and gesture for Reneé to follow me.

"Bathrooms over there, my parent's bedroom over here and Towa's room." I say giving the quickest tour of my life.

My ramen is probably cold now.

"Do you not have a room?" She asks, I look at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well you didn't point out your room." She states. I laugh a bit. "Why do you wanna know where my room is? Plan on stopping by Reneé?"

Her face turns a light pink as she begins to stutter. "N-no! That's t-that's not what I meant!"

I laugh and show her my room, which is currently very messy.

I open Towa's bedroom door gesturing Reneé to go inside as I shut the door behind her.

My ramen is definitely cold.

Renee's POV

As I step into Towa's room I notice how plain it is compared to Y/ns, I guess it's cause of the fact that she moved out but still.

It looks like one of the basic IKEA display rooms. Just then Towa comes in with my bags. "Hey, Y/n said you'd be in here."

I nod as she sets the bags down. "Thanks, I'm going to go brush my teeth now." Towa nods and I head towards the bathroom.

Y/n is already in there brushing her teeth. I stand in the doorway, frozen in place. She looks at me through the mirror, smirking. She spits out her toothpaste and washes her mouth.

She walks closer to me stopping just inches in front of me. "Stalking me Reneé?" She asks, a slight hint of seductiveness in her voice. My face turns a dark crimson color. "W-what? N-no!"

I could feel her now minty breath against my neck as she lets out a small laugh, brushing past me.

Authors note!

Flirty y/n 😏😏😏

Vote comment and share or my alpha wolf will come out 🐺🐺🐺🐺


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