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Y/n's POV

"Come on guys! From the top!" I shout, a loud groan is heard from the rest of the band. "Y/n, we've been practicing the same song for hours!" Miguel states. Everyone hums in agreement.

"Can we at least practice a different song?" Theo asks, bored out of his mind. "No! This is our most popular song! We have to perfect it for the video!"

Ivy sighs, "She's right guys, we have to be good if we want people to notice us, especially the Reneé Rapp fandom."

"Exactly! One more time then we can take a break." I say. This seems to motivate them as we begin to play the intro for our song 'Searching'

"Yeah I'm searching for a sign
That's your still searching for me
Cause I've never lost hope
Of what we could be"

Theo has a drum solo in between, half way through it Miguel and Ivy join in.

"Cause I know it's kinda dumb
But come on I'm just having fun
Searching for you
In pieces of me"

"That was our best take yet! Good job guys." Relived sighs chorused among them as I pulled out my phone to Text Reneé.

Y/n: u free tomorrow to record the video?

Reneé texts back almost instantly to my surprise.

Reneé: yeah what time should I stop by?

Y/n: idk prob around noon

*Reneé liked a message*

"Ok Reneé is gonna be here tomorrow at noon!" The group breaks out into a fit of cheers as I rush to leave. I'm almost late for my shift at the lifeguard station.


"Hey! No running!" I shout as a kid slows down and sighs. I'm walking around the pool observing everyone intently.

Just then, Towa and Reneé walk in, hand in hand. "Gross..." I mumble to myself. Towa gives me a small wave as I nod my head in acknowledgment.

Reneé is wearing a black one piece, she looks great. Towa lets go of Renee's hand and runs off to talk to a friend or something. Reneé gets in the pool, swimming towards me.

"Well if it isn't the famous Reneé Rapp." I laugh, crouching down to be level with the blonde. Reneé laughs and smiles softly at me. Grabbing the whistle around my neck, playing with it.

Renee's POV

Y/n blushes as I play with the red whistle around her neck, a slight smirk playing on my lips. Y/n shoots me a devilish grin. "Your girlfriend is coming." She states pointing behind me.

My eyes go wide as I immediately turn around to look for her. She's still talking to her friend, she doesn't even notice us. I can hear Y/n laugh behind me as I glare at her. "Not funny." I state blankly.

She laughs even harder. "Super funny." She smirks at me. "Well, I have to go back to work." I nod, and swim off.

I can see her get up and immediately yell at a kid to stop running.


A little while later Y/n is sitting in the lifeguard chair, observing everyone closely with her sunglasses on.

Towa joined me in the pool a little while after Y/n got up. "Hey I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be right back." Towa says, excusing herself.

I take this as an opportunity to talk to Y/n. I swim over to wear she's sitting. She tilts her sunglasses down slightly to meet my eyes. She smirks at me. "Hey Blondie, Need something?" Y/n asks teasingly.


"No. Just saying hi." I reply. Y/n nods before putting her sunglasses back on fully. We talk for a little bit until Towa comes back.

"Hey! What were you guys talking about?" Towa asks, looking between us.

I was just flirting with your sister, nothing much

Before I can say anything Y/n begins to talk. "Reneé was just asking why I wanted to be lifeguard, she was interested in the job."

I give her a confused look as she slyly winks at me. She looks at me gesturing for me to continue the lie. "O-oh! Yeah I found it interesting that uhm...she could save anyone's life at any moment!"

Towa narrows her eyes at the both of us, slowly nodding. I awkwardly smile at her, knowings she'll catch on sooner or later...

Authors note!


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