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~Time skip (again) to the wedding~ (sorry Lmao)

Y/n's POV

Reneé and I had been planning this day for a few months now. Reneé was wearing a suit, I wore a dress. It was a beautiful white gown that I had picked out with Ivy, Theo, and Miguel.

 It was a beautiful white gown that I had picked out with Ivy, Theo, and Miguel

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(Ur dress)

*suit for my masc baby's ❤️*

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*suit for my masc baby's ❤️*

I had been running around making sure everything was perfect. We had chosen a beach wedding, something simple yet elegant at the same time. Reneé had checked the weather weeks in advance to make sure everything was going to be ok, and so far it looked like it.

Near the beach, there was a nice hotel where all of us were staying. We've been staying here for 3 days now. Up until now, Reneé and I shared a room. Not wanting to see each other early, Reneé is in Adam's room.

The wedding started at 2 P.M, and it was currently around 11 A.M.

As the boys got ready, Ivy came with me to get my hair and makeup done. Ivy was incredible at all things beauty so she kindly offered to do both for me. God what would I do without her? "You're going to look great!" Ivy told me cheerfully, adding some products into my hair. "Gosh, I hope so." I laughed out nervously. "I know so." Ivy smiled.

The entire makeup look took about 2 hours so I rushed to go find the boys. "What was there room number again?" I asked Ivy, who was speed walking beside me. She wore a lavender dress, that suit her perfectly. The boys had matching lavender suits.

"I think it's 256?" Ivy said, questioning her own answer. As we arrived to the room the door was slightly creaked open, thinking this was to let us know they were done we strolled right in.

To our absolute horror we saw Miguel and Theo, mid make out. "What the fuck guys?!" Ivy yelled. They both pulled away from each other in a panic. "How did you guys get in?!" They both yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Your door was open." They both stood there dumbfounded by their own stupid mistake. "Where's my money Ivy." I laughed to her with a smirk. She rolled her eyes. "Seriously?" I nodded as she pulled out her purse and handed me a 5 dollar bill.

"You guys were betting on us?" Theo asked, unamused. "Obviously!" I joked, they both rolled their eyes. "How long has..." I gestured between the both of them. "This been going on?"

They both blushed and smiled at each other. "A few weeks." Miguel answered.

"And you didn't tell us!?" Ivy asked, offended. A few seconds later we all burst into laughter. Per Ivy's request we all did a group hug.

"Woah Y/n, you look great!" Miguel said after the way to long group hug. "Well you can thank Ivy for that!" I replied cheerfully, causing the girl to blush and shove me off.

I checked the time on my phone.

1:37 P.M.

Shit! The wedding started at 2! "You guys should get going I stated wearily, the weddings about to start." Ivy and Miguel nodded as Theo stayed back.

"Is your dad coming?" He asked, the thought of my dad not being here made me want to cry, but I held it together.

We sent him an invite, along with my mom, but only one of them sent an RSVP, guess who it was..

Theo had seemed to read my expression and gave me a sympathetic look. "If you want.." He trailed off, seeming to choose his next words carefully. "I can walk you down the aisle..?"

I immediately lit up at Theo's kind gesture. "Yes! That'd be great!" I exclaimed wrapping him in a tight hug. "Now come on let's go, don't wanna be late for your own wedding."


The wedding music played as I walked down the aisle with Theo. I looked around at the crowd to see tears in a few people's eyes, most smiling. I saw Adam and Alex standing by Reneé, along with Alyah, one of Renee's close friends from The Sex Lives Of College Girls

Theo went back to his original spot as I stood in front of Reneé. "You look great." She whispered, a huge smile plastered on her face. "So do you." I smiled.

The priest soon began to talk. "Welcome loved ones, we are gathered here today to join Reneé and Y/n in holy matrimony." He paused and looked between the two of us. "First the vows." We both nodded as Reneé went first.

"Y/n, when I met you I immediately knew there was something different about you. The way your eyes lit up, the way you smiled, and the way you always seemed so nonchalant about everything, except Ramen, you were...well still are very serious about that." Renee's statement at the end got a few laughs out of the crowd. The blonde continued.

"You are the most important person in my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my days on earth with you." Reneé fished, I could see her trying to fight back tears as I just let them go, probably ruining my makeup. "You may start now Y/n." The priest informed me.

"Reneé, you are the most incredible, talented person I've ever met, and I can't imagine life without you. I knew I loved you ever since the first day I met you when you tried to make small talk about the weather. I never want to loose you, and you will always be the biggest part of my life." A series of 'awww's came from the crowd as Reneé wiped a few tears from her eyes.

After the priest went over a few more things it finally got to the big part.

"Reneé, do you take Y/n to be your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Reneé took a deep breath and smiled at me. "I do."

"And Y/n, do you take Reneé to be your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

I smiled at Reneé, wiping a few tears from my eyes. "I do."

The priest spoke again. "Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

We waited 3 long seconds and just before the priest was about to finalize the marriage a voice spoke up.

"I object!"

Authors Note!

We all know who it is don't even play

Vote comment and share or a blonde 20 year old named CJ will lick ur toes at night Aaaninalo


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