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Y/n's POV

"Do we have another free day?" I asked Reneé, who was currently brushing her teeth. She nodded and spit out the toothpaste. "Yeah, why?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, do you wanna do something?" She turned to me and smiled, wrapping me in a hug. "Of course baby, whatever you wanna do."

I melted into her soft touch, relishing in the warm feeling. "Let's go to a club." I suddenly said. Reneé pulled away from me and laughed. "You wanna go to a club? I don't know.."

"Come on Reneé! It'll be fun!" I pleaded, she rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed sigh.



Later that night we both started to get ready. Reneé was in the shower as I put the final touches on my hair and makeup. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror, I looked hot.

(Ur outfit)

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(Ur outfit)

A few moments later, I heard the shower turn off, as Reneé stepped out in only a towel. I plopped myself onto the bed and waited for her to get dressed, just playing on my phone in the meantime.

A few minutes later I heard Reneé flick the bathroom light off as she stepped out. I swear my jaw dropped to the floor, she looked incredible.

(Renee's outfit- ik she wore this for SNL but it's a good outfit so shut up)

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(Renee's outfit- ik she wore this for SNL but it's a good outfit so shut up)

"Ready to go?" Reneé asked, smiling happily at me. I gave her a dazed nod, still stunned by her flawlessness. "Uhm- yeah-! Yeah let's go."

Reneé drove us to the closest club to us, it was flashy and loud. You could hear the music from outside. Reneé walked up to the bouncer and whispered something into his ear, putting something into his pocket.

The buff guy immediately nodded and opened the rope for us. I laughed once we got inside. "What'd you say to him??" I asked.

Reneé only smiled and shrugged. "I put a 100 dollar bill in his pocket and told him to let us inside and I'll give him more once we leave!" She shouted over the music.

Reneé dragged me out to the dance floor as we both danced rhythmically to the music. Suddenly the taller girl leaned in close to my ear, "Let's do body shots." She whispered seductively. My eyes widened as I locked eyes with the smirking Reneé.

I cleared my throat discreetly. "Oh- yeah uh sure!" She grabbed my wrist pulling me to the bar. She immediately told the bartender what she wanted, in which he only nodded.

"Take your shirt off." Reneé instructed. I looked at her with wide eyes, but did as I was told. She put some salt on my stomach and a lime wedge in my mouth. Quickly she drank the shot and eyed me hungrily.

Not breaking eye contact with me, she slowly lowered herself and licked the salt off my body. She then made her way up to the lime in my mouth and connected our lips for a quick second before sucking on the lime.

I could almost feel myself dripping with lust.

Once Reneé was finished and I had put my shirt back on, I grabbed Reneé tightly. "Bathroom. Now." I said sternly.

"Oh no I'm good I don't have to pee." Reneé teased. I smirked at her, amused. "Fine, I'll take care of this," I gestured towards my panties. "By myself."

Renee's eyes widened as I walked to the bathroom, I could feel her now hot on my trail.

I went into the farthest bathroom stall, and waited a second for Reneé who came in a moment later. She immediately went to pull me in for a kiss but I dodged. She looked at me confused.

"I said I'll take care of it by myself, but you're welcome to watch." I mused, Reneé looked taken aback by my bold statement. She made her way to the toilet, and pulled the lid down, sitting on it.

I started to slowly, and tauntingly undress myself as Reneé watched, not blinking once. "Like what you see?" I asked, a broad smirk on my face. She only nodded as I made my way over to her.

I sat on her lap as Renee's immediate reaction was to grab at my hips. I slapped her hands away. "No touching."

I swiped a finger through my drenched folds and held it up to Reneé who immediately took it into her mouth. She sucked it clean as I pulled away slowly.

I started to rub my clit in slow circles. I whimpered as I played with my clit, watching Reneé tense under me. I eased a single finger into me and moaned softly. I started to slowly pump it in and out, then slipping in another finger.

I started to go faster, moaning like crazy. I could feel Renee's body heat up as I only smirked to myself.

"Fuck this." Reneé mumbled, she grabbed at my hand and pulled it out of me, only causing me to whine in protest but it was cut off with a moan as I felt Reneé slip in her own two fingers.

She was pumping them fast as I felt myself coming close to my high. "Reneé-!" I moaned as she started to use her thumb to play with my clit.

That seemed to set me off as I released onto her she smirked and slowed down her pace, my breathing was heavy and uneven. "I'm glad I agreed to come clubbing." Reneé teased.

"Me too."

Authors note!


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