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~Time Skip 2 Months~

Y/n's POV

"I can't hear you!" Reneé screamed over the yelling crowd.

Immediately the crowd screamed back as Renee walked over to me.




Reneé held the microphone over to me, indicating for me to sing the next part. I laughed a bit, taking the microphone from her.

"You get on my nerves!"

Again she held the microphone out to the crowd.


Reneé started to sing along with them happily.


Reneé, the band, and I began laughing as the crowd erupted into cheers. Reneé still never told me who this song was about.

I looked out into the crowd as Reneé was talking. A lot of out of pocket signs were held up.

"Rapp your legs around my neck!"

"Hit me with your tour bus!" Followed by a picture of Reneé in the spinal Halo from the Mean Girls movie.

"Regina George was a lesbian!"

All of the signs were very creative and I laughed at them all. Suddenly Reneé made her way over to me, as she interacted with the crowd.

"You all know the wonderful band behind me, Actively Living right?!" She yelled out, the mass amount of people erupted into cheers in agreement.

"Well why don't we play one of there songs!" She asked, again the crowd began to whoop and holler at the idea.

I leaned in closer to Reneé, laughing awkwardly. "Reneé, we don't have anything prepared-"

"You wouldn't want to leave the crowd disappointed would you?" She asked with a teasing smirk. "Do good for me and maybe you'll get a little something after the show." She winked.

My eyes widened and I immediately nodded, turning to Ivy, Miguel, and Theo. "Do you guys have any preference on what we play?" I asked.

"Leave your opinions at the door!!" Theo shouted!

Ivy and Miguel hummed in agreement, I nodded, telling Reneé.

"Oh! I love that song, here take the mic." She said, handing me the microphone, I awkwardly took it, facing the large amount of people.

"Alright, this song is called leave your opinions at the door!" I shouted out, all at once it seemed everyone knew what I was talking about as they cheered and screamed.

Theo began the drum intro, followed by Miguel, and Ivy's soft strums of her acoustic guitar.

"You stand there in the doorway,
You know I don't want you to stay
But before you take another step
I want you to know one thinggg"

I pause for a moment letting the instrumental play out for a bit until Theo picks up the pace with his drums, as the rest of the band follows.

"Leave your opinions at the door and I'll be yours to claim
Ohh to claim!!
Oh leave your opinions at the door and maybe you can stay the nightt
Ooh just one nightt
So just leave your opinions at the door!"

We play the rest of the song and the crowd goes absolutely crazy. I smile out and turn to Reneé who is already looking at me.

This has got to be one of the best feelings in the world.


Renee finishes her set as the crowd begs for an encore, again she turns to me and whispers into my ear.

"Baby, can you do the encore? I'm so tired right now I can barely stand." She pleads.

I nodded, smiling softly at her. I turned to the band once more, telling them what song to play.

"Ok guys!" Reneé shouted. "I thought for your encore Actively living could play another song! What do you think??"

The crowd cheered and I smiled. Ivy began to play the intro to 'Colorful eyes' as the two boys waited to come in.

"Blue eyed girl
You're always crying
And I

Miguel started playing the bass as Theo patiently waited.

"You sit in your room
And cry about the thoughts

Theo started a soft beat on his drums as we finished the song, earning ourselves a standing ovation. We bowed and smiled, exiting the stage.

We all had our own dressing rooms which was awesome! We said our goodbyes to each other, knowing we wouldn't see one another til the next show.

As I was changing into something more comfortable, there was a soft knock on my door. I quickly pulled a grey hoodie over my head and shouted. "Come in!"

The door opened and closed as I turned to see Renee standing there, a small smirk on her face.

"Ready for your reward?"

Authors Note!

Leave Your Opinions At The Door and Colorful Eyes are original songs written by me for my band Radioactive Green u can like barely call it a band since we only play songs for ourselves but still

Vote comment and share or you'll meet Reneé Rapp BUT she hates you with her entire heart and never wants to see/talk to u


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