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Y/n's POV

I drive over to my dates house, parking in front of the house and walking up. I knock on the door with my free hand, flowers in the other.

She comes out and smiles brightly at me and then pulls out her phone..? She takes a picture of the bouquet in my hands. "O-M-G this will look great on my story, thanks!" I nod, confused.

We walk over to the car and I open the door for her, yet again she pulls out her phone and takes a picture of me. "Ugh such a gentleman I'll @ you in this." I give her a confused look before saying thank you..?

We drive to the restaurant and she AGAIN pulls out her fucking phone. This time, taking a video. "Hey guys! I'm here with my super hot date! She's taking me to The Savory Embassy! So excited!" I stand there awkwardly as she ends the video.

We walk and the waiter hands us a menu. "So," I clear my throat. "What do you do for work?" I ask.

"Oh I'm an influencer! You can follow me @QueenAddison across all platforms!"

Should've guess that one. I nod and I sit there silently. She's on her phone when the waiter comes back. I order one of their simple pastas as she orders a beef Wellington, their most expensive menu item.

When the food arrives she takes a shit ton of pictures. When she's done, we eat our food making god awful small talk.

"So will that be together or separately?" The waiter asks when I call him over for the check. Addison gives me a 'You got it, right?' Look. I mumble an annoyed 'together' and pay for the meal.

I drive her home, but before she gets out she takes one more picture and then leaves the car. I pull out my phone and block her on everything.

Once I get home I'm surprised to see Reneé still awake, she's in the kitchen drinking a glass of water.

She meets my eyes and we just look at each other for a moment. "How was your date?" She asks, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I sigh deeply, "terrible, she wouldn't stop taking pictures of everything, we barely even talked, and she ordered the most expensive thing on the menu! Of course I had to pay for it!" I ranted.

Reneé let out a soft laugh, taking a sip of her water. "It's not funny!" I state, not being able to contain a smile forming on my face. "It kind of is." She laughs.

I inch closer to her as we both smile softly, just looking at each other. I don't think I've ever wanted to kiss someone so bad in my life.

She leans in closer to me and I do the same.


What about Towa? They're still dating and I'm not going to be a home wrecker. Before anything continues into something more I back away.

"It-it's getting late." I state, fake yawing. "I'm pretty tired, goodnight Reneé." I practically run up the stairs.

I hear the kitchen light turn off and Reneé go back to her room with Towa, her girlfriend, my sister.

I didn't know how to feel about anything anymore. Of course I liked Reneé, who doesn't?

I can't act on those feelings because she's dating my sister, but I mean....

No! Snap out of it. Reneé probably doesn't even like me like that. I sigh, flopping down onto my bed.

Falling asleep, thinking about what to do.

The next morning, I'm up before anyone else. I decide to play some music and just chill in my room for a bit.

It's around 6:00 A.M and everyone in my family are pretty heavy sleepers so I should be fine. Ik in some shorts and I tank top when I hear my door creak open.

I turn to see a tired Reneé standing in the doorway. I shut off the music and smirk at her. "So you did pay me a visit after all." I joke.

She rolls her eyes at me. "Just turn your music down Y/n, it's 6 in the fucking morning I can't do this right now."

"Yes ma'am!" I reply, saluting to her.

She laughs, rolling her eyes, closing the door and exiting my room.

Authors Note!


Vote comment and share or they'll never get together 🤪

Thank you all for the kind messages on my last chapter yall are the best ily!!


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