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Y/n's POV

My mom came back to the hospital early the next morning. She signed a few papers or whatever. And drove me home.

I got a big long lecture about how drinking and driving is bad blah blah blah, don't party so late blah blah blah, watch where you're going blah blah blah.

I wasn't listening to half the things she was saying, my mind was on other...things. Like what happened in the hospital last night.

Reneé hasn't left my mind since then, all I could think about was her and how badly I wanted her to be mine. Of course she couldn't be mine, but I can keep a secret.

We pulled into the driveway and I wasn't expecting to see Towa's car still here. They were supposed to leave this morning.

I was still very much so in pain so my mom helped me get into the house as she sat me down on the couch. "Do you want anything to eat Y/n?" My mom called out. "Not anything you came make me!" I laughed, I can hear my mom sigh.

"Y/n enough of the inappropriate jokes!" She scolded I laughed and was about to reply until a figure sat next to me.

"Yeah, enough inappropriate jokes Y/n." I looked over to see Reneé, smirking at me as I froze. I smiled awkwardly at her.

"Where's Towa?" I asked, in a teasing way. She rolled her eyes. "Upstairs, showering." My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I turned my attention to the TV.

It was some stupid game show so I decided to use the opportunity to talk to Reneé. "So, are we going to talk about last night?" I asked in a hushed voice.

Reneé didn't respond for a moment. "There's nothing to talk about." She stated blankly. Nothing to talk about? There was everything to talk about!

"We literally ki-" Reneé cut me off before I could finish. "Shut up!" She whisper yelled.

I nodded. "We literally...talked" I said making air quotes around the word talked. She rolled her eyes. "Look it meant nothing just some stupid mistake alright?"

I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces on the spot. Had the kiss really meant nothing to her? Nothing at all?? I sighed deeply. "Fine. You're right, I regret it now anyways." I said standing up.

I walked up the stairs and I could feel Renee's eyes on me. I went up to my room and slammed the door behind me.

Renee's POV

I knew what I said had hurt her and it hurt me to say that. Of course the kiss meant something to me, it meant everything to me.

Now she probably hates me and better yet, she regrets it too. My feelings were all over the place and admitting to Y/n about my true feelings for her could make everything fall into shambles.

Towa came down a little while later, her hair wet. She went up to me and kissed me lightly on the cheek. It burned, and not in a good way. It felt as if the spot she had kissed was on fire, burning a hole through my face.

I went upstairs to Towa's room. We decided not to leave yet because Towa has to be back here for work soon and she stated that she "didn't want to go back and forth"

I was fine with it, I didn't need to be anywhere important until 2 months before my tour.

I lied down on her bed staring at the ceiling. Why did I do that? Kiss her fucking sister?! Towa was still downstairs, probably talking to her mom.

And I was here, in HER room thinking about HER sister?! Suddenly the door flew open with Y/n standing there.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" She said, raising her voice. I sighed, rolling my eyes, I opened my mouth to speak before she cut me off. "Don't roll your eyes at me like this is all my fault! You kissed me back!"

I sat up entirely now. "I know! And I've been thinking about nonstop since then!"

Her facial expression softened, as she looked at me. "Look we shouldn't have done that." I nodded and she continued. "But is it really that bad that I want to do it again?"

My eyes widened as she stepped closer to me, I was sitting down so I looked up at her. She fully sat in my lap now, making our eyes level as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Tell me to stop Reneé." She whispered in my ear, the seductiveness being clear in her voice.

"Tell me to stop if you don't want to do this as much as I do." I stayed silent as she kissed my neck softly, making her way up and down my neck.

She started to place rougher, messier kisses as a faint moan left my lips. She stopped, and I looked at her confused. "Answer me," she paused and smirked at me. "Do. You. Want. Me. To. Stop?"

I shook my head no causing her to breathe out a little laugh. "Words, Reneé."

"N-no." I choked out a bit. She smirked again, her eyes full of lust. "Good."

She pulled me in closer kissing me passionately. It was more fast, more urgent than the kiss at the hospital. It was as if these were her last days on earth and I was the only thing she needed.

When I kissed her a felt a spark between us, something I've never felt with Towa. She moved herself off my lap, and got up.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. She smiled at me. "I have a date with the girl from the party."

My eyes went wide and my mouth fell agape.


"I'm joking, I have to get ready to meet up with the band." She laughed at me before exiting the room.

Authors Note!

Vote comment and share and if u haven't already pls follow me I'm desperate 😭😭

Dear diary,

September 1st 1989

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