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Renee's POV

I woke up the next morning to Y/n, clinging to me. I smiled softly to myself. I don't think I've felt this loved in a while. Towa was...well Towa, but Y/n is so much more gentle, and caring. I can barely grasp the fact that they're siblings.

I mean Towa is rough, impatient, and kind of rude. Well not even kind of, she yells at waiters for crying out loud, who does that?

Y/n however she's so supportive, and she always takes her time with me, I love her so much for that. She's everything I could've asked for.

"What are you thinking about?" A tired voice called out, I turned to see a half asleep Y/n, looking at me. "You." I stated simply, smiling, as I placed a small kiss to her lips. She hummed softly, climbing on top of me.

She buried her head to the crook of my neck, and I could feel her hot breath on my neck. I softly played with her hair. "I want s'mores." Y/n suddenly stated, she got off me and sat up on the bed. I looked at her confused. "That's so random." I laughed out.

She smiled at me and got out of bed. "Well I want them, do you not?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. I smiled at her. "I never said I don't want one!" I called out, as Y/n exited the room. I ran after her as she turned around and hugged me.

I watched as she opened the cabinet and got out marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. She grabbed a plate and started to assemble her s'more and mine, putting it in the microwave.

She had set a timer for 1 minute.

She turned to me and smiled softly, I grinned at her as she pulled me into a hug. I loved these moments, soft, innocent, like we were the only people in the world and nothing else mattered.


Y/n walked over to the microwave and pulled out the s'mores, I reached my hand over to grab one only to be smacked away. "These are mine! Get your own." I laughed, and rolled my eyes. "Pleaseeee." I begged, I really did want that s'more.

She took a bite and shook her head no. I huffed and watched as she laughed, pushing the plate towards me. I smiled and grabbed it, taking a bite. God these were incredible.

Y/n's POV

After we had finished the s'mores we just relaxed on the couch. Reneé put on a movie as we cuddled up close under some blankets. I could feel my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out to check.

Scarlett <3: Heyyyyy I'm in town!! When r u free?

I smiled, Scarlett was one of my best friends, I considered her family. I quickly texted back.

Y/n😍: I should be free tomorrow night you can come over if you want!

"Who are you texting?" Reneé asked, looking over at my phone. I showed her my screen. "My friend Scarlett's in town, I'd love for you to meet her." I exclaimed happily.

Reneé grinned, "Oh my gosh! Of course!"

Reneé and Scarlett were going to get along great!

Authors Note!

I think yk what's happening....

Sorry for the short filler chapter I'll try to make the next one longer 🤞🤞

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