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Y/n's POV

Me and Reneé were driving to Theo's garage...in complete silence. It was awkward to say the least. A weird tension filled the car. "Do you think your friends will like me?" Reneé said, clearing her throat. "Of course they will, everyone likes you." I reply.

She gives me a soft smile as I pull into Theo's driveway. As soon as Reneé steps out of the car Ivy comes rushing over.

"Oh my god! Hi, I'm Ivy! Y/n's best friend, I'm like your biggest fan! I love your music, you're amazing!" She ranted, Reneé smiled at her a small blush on her face.

"Ok Ivy chill, give her room to breathe." I laughed. Ivy backed away hastily. "Oh yeah! Of course!" Ivy smiled, blushing.

Reneé met the rest of the band as we sat and talked about what song we should play. "I think we should play 'You Suck'" Miguel suggested. Theo let out a groan. "Yeah but 'Melt My Heart' is so much better." Miguel rolled his eyes.

"Well what about 'Summer Rush'? I like that song." Ivy asked. Theo, Miguel, and Ivy began to argue about what song they wanted to play.

"Y'all have no taste, 'Forgotten' is obviously are best song." I stated plainly. Now all of we're arguing. Ivy made some good points but then Miguel shut it down. Then Miguel tried to speak but Theo interrupted him, making him mad. I (being the best one) only gave my opinion on the situation in front of me causing bigger arguments to form.

"GUYS!" Reneé shouted, we all turned to look at her. "We can do all of the songs, it doesn't have to be just one." I smile brightly at her as the rest of the gang cheered. "Really?" I asked.

She grinned, "Yeah of course!" We started playing the intro to 'You Suck' eventually getting to the chorus, my favorite part of the song.

"I hope you know...
I hate you and your guts!
I think you fucking suck!
You suck!
You suck!
You suck!"

We finished the song and Reneé clapped her hands. "We should have Reneé vote for her favorite song after we finish playing them all!" Ivy suggested, I nodded in agreement.

"Ok, that'll be fun!"  Reneé agreed. Theo yelled out, "Melt my heart is gonna win!" We all laughed as Ivy began to play the intro followed by Miguel and Theo.

"Melt my heart with your love so true
Every moment with you feels brand new
You're the sunshine that brightens my day
In your arms I just wanna stay"

Again the song ends, and Reneé claps. We take a quick break before we start to play Summer Rush.

"The sun is shining, the sky so blue,
It's that time of year, when dreams come true.
We're chasing memories, like a shooting star,
Feeling the magic, no matter where we are."

"In the summer rush, we're riding high,
With the wind in our hair, reaching for the sky.
Every moment counts, let's make them last,
In this summer rush, we're having a blast."

Reneé claps loudly for this song, I think it's her favorite so far. Now it's time for the last song, my favorite song. Arguably one of our best, 'Forgotten.'

"Sometimes I feel like a whisper in the wind,
Lost in the noise, forgotten within.
I'm searching for a place where I belong,
Where my voice can be heard, where I can be strong."

We play the rest of the song perfectly. It was definitely my favorite time playing it and Reneé seemed to have loved it.

"Those songs were great! I'm posting the videos right now!" She said pulling out her phone. We all smiled brightly at her. "Thank you so much!" Ivy exclaimed.

"Yeah thanks, it means a ton." I agreed. Reneé nodded. "Yeah no problem." She said a bit breathlessly, smiling softly at me.

We stared at each other for a moment, soft smiles on our faces until Theo began talking. "Yo guys! Maddison is hosting a party tonight! Y'all wanna go?" We all agreed excitedly as I turned to Reneé.

"Do you want to come? You can bring Towa." I asked. She grinned and nodded. "Yeah sure text me the address."

I pulled out my phone and texted it to her. We got to the house as I quickly got changed not putting to much thought into my outfit.

Reneé and Towa were still getting ready so I left without them.

This party was going to be a blast.

Authors Note!



Gossip girl

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