15 Financial Crisis

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"To the gazebo?" I asked nonchalantly.

"OK!" Jenny leads me to the door of another office. "But I think you should say hello to the staff in each department first!"

"I couldn't agree more!" I smiled at every employee Jenny introduced me to, and I saw many unfamiliar faces. The people I used to know are no longer with the company, and some have even been reassigned.

I did not immediately press the reason for the departure of the former staff. After all, today would not be the right time. Some of the core staff I saw were outwardly friendly to me, except a new intern in the administration department. She had a look of surprise on her face when she learned that I was Mrs. Moore, but the girl quickly hid the disbelief in her eyes with a smile.

The girl had been on the job less than a year, but she was wearing a Prada suit and Bulgari earrings in her earlobes, and I saw her Cartier watch when I shook her hand. Her outfit is clearly out of place in her present position.

The girl's nails got into my flesh when she shook my hand. I knew she did it on purpose. Naive girls will look for opportunities to make life difficult for their rivals or for people they are jealous of.

Her name is Emma, and she is one of the women my husband has slept with, if I'm not mistaken.

This is the advantage and convenience that money brings to men. As soon as they move their fingers, women will crawl over them like dogs. If a man gives them a bone or a piece of meat, they will listen to their master.

They're tame dogs. Men like to see them obedient!

"Eva!" Jenny whispered. "How about we take the elevator up to the gazebo now?"

Jenny's voice pulled me out of my reverie, and I returned to my normal self and replied, "Yes!"

The sun hid in the white clouds, and the sunshine was not too bright. On the broad terrace stood two men who were smoking. They were wearing black suits. When they saw us coming, they immediately took the last puff of smoke into their lungs, then one of the men said hello to Jenny and left.

Now that it was just me and Jenny. Jenny reached into her pocket for a cigarette and a lighter, and she handed me the cigarette case first. I shook my head at her and she lit a cigarette in her mouth.

"Did Ron ever talk to you about the Moore family's financial problems," said Jenny, as a cloud of white smoke billowed from her nose and mouth.

"Really?" I know I shouldn't ask in a gloating tone, but Jenny is staring at the building across the way, and she doesn't even notice my expression.

"Ron has invested blindly in a lot of projects over the years, but not many have turned a profit," Jenny said, "Your sister gave him a lot of advice on how to invest. It looked like the company was expanding, but the reality was that the money chain couldn't keep up with it! The company is in debt. The merger case is currently the only way to solve the debt! But we don't have much in our accounts! If our competitors raise their stakes, our capital chain will most likely break down!"

"That's a big question. Have you told Ron about this?" I asked.

"I've told him before, but he's determined to keep this merger going," Jenny says, her eyes tired as she puffs a smoke ring. "He thinks the Green family will give him the money, and he told me that in private!"

"So it was Gina who assured him that my father's company would help fund the merger, right?" I think that was one of the reasons Gina was able to influence Ron. She wanted him to see her value, to better take my place in the future.

"I don't know, Eva!" Jenny put out her cigarette and threw it into the nearby trash can, "At least now I don't see any new money coming in! I know I shouldn't say anything, but I have to warn you. Your sister seems to have overstepped her bounds! She laid off a lot of people after you left the company. And some of those people went to work for the Logan family. If the Logan family wants to win this merger, I don't think it will be difficult, as long as they have enough money!"

"So not only do we have to win the merger, but we also have to have enough money, right?" I said. "If we lose, will the company face bankruptcy?"

"Most likely," Jenny said sternly, "And I'm sure Ron knows the consequences!"

"So, what do you want me to do about it?" I don't think Jenny is simply telling me about the crisis the company is facing. She must have a purpose.

"Eva, be honest!" Said Jenny, "I want you to advise Ron to pull his money out of unprofitable projects. His blind investments have led to bad results. It's not too late to pull out now. But..."

"But what?" I wondered as I looked at Jenny's tortured expression. "Doesn't he want your advice?"

"Perhaps he would have preferred Gina's advice!" Jenny smiled wryly. "Eva, you know I'm not a gossip, but your sister, she seems to have overstepped her authority!"

"What else did she do?" I asked. "You can tell me. We're friends, right?"

Jenny thought for a moment and finally shook her head. "I don't want to get involved in your family business. I'm just telling you what I know from the company's point of view. Anyway, I'm glad you're back!"

"Jenny, can you send me a copy of the company's operating and financial reports for the past few years so that I can get a clear picture of the company?" I whispered to her, "Off the record, don't tell Ron or Gina!"

"It's against the rules!" Jenny grew nervous. "Can't you get Ron to send it to you? You're Mrs. Moore, but I can't send you confidential documents in private, and you can't make me do dangerous things!"

"If I don't have a clear picture of what's going on at the company, then I won't be able to convince Ron to reverse those decisions," I coaxed her. "This is between you and me. You can trust me!"

Jenny hesitated. I could see the struggle in her heart. She sighed heavily and said, "Well, I'll send it to you after work!"

"Thank you, Jenny!" I hugged her.

When I returned to the office, there was a woman in my room, who was sitting on a chair with her back to me. She turned and I saw Gina with red hair.

Her again!

"Hello, my sister!" She put her feet up on the table.

I looked at Gina's domineering face and thought that this fight had to go on.

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