May first

9 1 0

4 am

Fell asleep to I AM AFFIRMATIONS, a play list I put together on Spotify. Had very weird dreams. A very restless sleep tonight. 

A friend of mine passed away shortly after my daughter was born. I usually check on her profile once a year. I always had hopes that her and I would become friends again. I was going to reach out and then I seen that it was a memorial page now. 

Had a dream about her. We were walking through a mall and just talking. I the asked her why she passed away. She said she was very angry. Angry at her mom. Oh how I wish I had reached out to her sooner. 

If ever feel the need to reach out to someone, don't hesitate. You could be the shining light they need in their dark world.

 **Note to self, do not sleep to music or meditation music.

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