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I am so thankful for the Mental Health care team at the Psych unit I am in and very much ready to leave finally. '

I am ready and confident to take on the world. Just kidding, I am not manic. EELLLLLohEELLLL

Its nice to have my laughter once again. I feel like I did when I was in the woman's shelter with my kids, middle of February. My stress tolerance has increased, I don't feel so agitated. I guess it is okay to trust Psychiatrists.

Thank you to the nurses that have been my mental health cheerleaders! The one that held my hand and helped me get through a panic attack. 

The ones that make me laugh. The ones that I was able to make laugh with my extremely weird joke...I am a professional swallower....

Of pills that is.....geeze...get your mind out the gutter.

I am thankful for my OG psychiatrist, the one that can see through my pretend stability.

Thankful for the food delicious. Hospital food....drools.

Thankful for my substitute psychiatrist as well...for he believes in me and encouraged the medication shot. HHHMMMM....I think I should have listened to him in the beginning when he recommended it. 

Lesson learned Mr Psychiatrist.

I am motivated to be the best version of myself.

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