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Is it rape when you been with someone for years? You have had children with said person. 

You are sleeping...snug and safe in bed. Your partner comes home, crawls under the covers...starts to get frisky. You wake up just a bit...you say no. I am tired. Please stop. Move their hands away, swatt and push your partner away, saying no!

They do not hear you, nor do they react to your No's 

So after putting up a fight...you cave in to their desires..letting them do as they please. As fighting was useless.

Next morning comes and you wake feeling..... Confused. This person you have known for 15 years...he isn't a....rapist. 

You have spent years teaching and raising your two young sons, NO means No, Stop means Stop. Reguardless of gender, age, relationship, ETC. 

Yet do I believe it?

That moment, that evening changed everything. Stop didn't matter to that man of 15 years. Sure he was high. Does that excuse him?

Was it rape ? My mind doesn't see the difference in when I was raped and when this incident happened.

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