Intrusive thoughts

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96 hours of being out the psyche ward. Was able to give my young kids a bath without the intrusive thoughts creeping in. What a relieve that is to me. So thankful. My life can return to normal once again.

I am back in a different city. One where I ended up running away from because I was scared.           The day my psychosis was becoming even more heightened. Managed to go to the same grocery store. My vision did start to narrow, my anxiety was increasing significantly.

How come I am so scared still. Not as terrified as I once was but still. Thank full for the Ativan that does help keep me calm in the moments of chaos my mind creates.

It just...annoying how me being in the psyche unit put such a ....change in plans on the vacation I had planned. 

Although, sometimes just have to go with the flow I suppose.

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